Any LISP with window selection to remove all the points/vertices of the polyline. They are all hidden line type but due to the closeness of the points/vertices the hidden line are not appearing.
Currently using "REMOVECONTROLPOINT" but I need to click 1 by 1 & further more i am not sure why but if i am not quick enough to move away from the polyline after clicking it, autocad will sometimes hang.
Those lwpolylines probably are created as parts of SuperEllipses... As SuperEllipse don't belong to 2nd degree curves, it's difficult to make exact conversion to curve with smaller number of vertices, so I figured that the best would be for you to recreate arcs/elliptical or circular, and as you want to have lwpolyline entities so that conversion would be closest matched, I've recreated arcs - circular... You only have to do PEDIT on them all and you'll get lwpolylines... All my functions from PLINETOOLS won't help in this situations as like I said obtained segmented lwpolylines probably belong to curve 3rd degree - like planar SPLINE or SuperEllipse...
See attachment - it was very simple - just draw arc with 3 points (1st click on 1st end, then type "s" second point - click on vertex in between, and 3rd click on last end)
appreciate the help. i took a look at the dwg. I need the line to be exactly in the same location which the created arc is not.
Btw, have you tried REMOVECONTROLPOINT command. Think that would be faster than redrawing an arc.
I do need some where i can select all this line instead of repeating the command for every lines. My sample dwg is just a small portion only. Have alot more such lines unfortunately
Look vermonlee, maybe it is 2nd degree curve... Closest match I've made is parabola... Look in attached DWG... If you have plenty of this kind of lwpolylines, and you want to get rid of their vertices, I suggest that you analyze curvature and create appropriate SPLINE replacement... And as you can see from attachment, there are still some unmatched vertex relations between 2nd degree curve and your lwpolyline... I know this is very difficult to do without routine, but I think that if you have like this example lwpolylines, I am afraid you'll have to do it manually... How would you make match if you use REMOVECONTROLPOINT command, when with every deletion of vertex your lwpoly will degrade from it's initial curving representation...
For drawing ellipse, look here :
(use colored code and apply it on only quarter of full ellipse - you'll have to prepare elliptic arc - you must trim ellipse)
When you create appropriate spline substitution for this quarter ellipse, you have to go to properties palette, switch to 2nd control point and change weight of that control point - you will get something like SuperEllipse approximations...
For drawing parabolas, hyperbolas, look here :
You have to find appropriate match manually - that's my opinion... And with REMOVECONTROLPOINT you'll just destroy original lwpolyline curvature...
Look in attachment...
When I think twice and realize that you'll have to do lwpolyline -> spline conversion, you can use CVREBUILD command and set appropriate conversion options and directly remove unwanted control points - you can specify amount as you wish and degree of resulting curve rebuilding...
This is a pretty good solution over removecontrolpoint. I still cannot select all line but 1 by 1 but at least it is slightly faster & does not hang. Thanks for the tip.
I will use CVREBUILD for now untill a better solution comesup where more lines can be selected.
I accidently found out by changing the properties of the linetype genenator to ENABLE it also works. I now can now just select all affected line & change the properties.
;;;=======================[ PSimple.lsp ]======================= ;;; Author: Charles Alan Butler ;;; Version: 1.7 Nov. 24, 2007;;; Purpose: To remove unnecessary vertex from a pline;;; Supports arcs and varying widths;;;=============================================================;; This version will remove the first vertex if it is colinear;; and first & last arcs that have the same center;; command line entry, user selection set pick(defun c:PSimple () (PSimpleUser nil)(princ))(defun c:PSimpleV () ; Verbose version (mapcar '(lambda(x)(print (car x))(princ (cadr x))) (PSimpleUser nil)) (princ));; User interface Function;; flag = nil -> user selects a selection set;; = ENAME -> call the routine;; = OBJECT -> call the routine;; = True -> User to select a single entity, repeats(defun PSimpleUser (flag / ss ent) (cond ((null flag) ; user selection set pick (prompt "\n Select polylines to remove extra vertex: ") (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE")))) (PSimple ss) ) ) ;; next two already have an object so pass to the main routine ((= (type flag) 'ENAME) (PSimple flag)) ((= (type flag) 'VLA-object) (PSimple flag)) (t ; user single pick with repeat (while (setq ent (car (entsel "\n Select polyline to remove extra vertex: "))) (if (equal (assoc 0 (entget ent)) '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")) (PSimple ent) (prompt "\nNot a LWPolyline, Try again.") ) ) ) ));;;=======================[ PSimple.lsp ]======================= ;;; Author: Charles Alan Butler ;;; Version: 1.7 Nov. 23, 2007;;; Purpose: To remove unnecessary vertex from a pline;;; Supports arcs and varying widths;;;=============================================================;; This version will remove the first vertex if it is colinear;; and first & last arcs that have the same center;; Open plines that have the same start & end point will be closed;; Argument: et;; may be an ename, Vla-Object, list of enames or;; a selection set;; Returns: a list, (ename message);; Massage is number of vertex removed or error message string;; If a list or selection set a list of lists is returned(defun PSimple (et / doc result Tan Replace BulgeCenter RemoveNlst ps1) (vl-load-com) (defun tan (a) (/ (sin a) (cos a))) (defun replace (lst i itm) (setq i (1+ i)) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (zerop (setq i (1- i))) itm x)) lst) ) ;; CAB 11.16.07 ;; Remove based on pointer list (defun RemoveNlst (nlst lst) (setq i -1) (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x) (not (null (vl-position (setq i (1+ i)) nlst)))) lst) ) (defun BulgeCenter (bulge p1 p2 / delta chord radius center) (setq delta (* (atan bulge) 4) chord (distance p1 p2) radius (/ chord (sin (/ delta 2)) 2) center (polar p1 (+ (angle p1 p2) (/ (- pi delta) 2)) radius) ) ) ;; Main function to remove vertex ;; ent must be an ename of a LWPolyline (defun ps1 (ent / aa cpt dir doc elst hlst Remove idx keep len newb result vlst x closed d10 d40 d41 d42 hlst p1 p2 p3 plast msg) ;;===================================================== (setq elst (entget ent) msg "") (setq d10 (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) elst))) (if (> (length d10) 2) (progn ;; seperate vertex data (setq d40 (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 40)) elst)) (setq d41 (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 41)) elst)) (setq d42 (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 42)) elst))) ;; remove extra vertex from point list (setq plast (1- (length d10))) (setq p1 0 p2 1 p3 2) (if (and (not (setq closed (vlax-curve-isclosed ent))) (equal (car d10) (last d10) 1e-6)) (progn (setq Closed t ; close the pline elst (subst (cons 70 (1+(cdr(assoc 70 elst))))(assoc 70 elst) elst) msg " Closed and") (if (and (not(zerop (nth plast d42)))(not(zerop (nth 0 d42)))) (setq d10 (reverse(cdr(reverse d10))) d40 (reverse(cdr(reverse d40))) d41 (reverse(cdr(reverse d41))) d42 (reverse(cdr(reverse d42))) plast (1- plast) ) ) ) ) (setq idx -1) (while (ename et)))) (vla-startundomark doc) (setq result (ps1 et)) (vla-endundomark doc) ) ((= (type et) 'PICKSET) (vla-startundomark doc) (setq result (mapcar '(lambda(x) (ps1 x)) (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss))))) (vla-endundomark doc) ) ((listp et) (vla-startundomark doc) (setq result (mapcar '(lambda(x) (ps1 x)) et)) (vla-endundomark doc) ) ((setq result "PSimple Error - Wrong Data Type.")) ) result)(prompt "\nPline Simplify loaded, PSimple to run.")(princ)