(defun run () (setq pll (getstring "\nPlease Enter of new file (name.ext) :")) (setq pl (open pll "w")) (setq ang ( getreal "\nPlease Enter DV Angle: " ) ) (setq n ( getstring "\nPlease Enter TAXI name: " ) ) (initget (+ 1 2 4)) (setq a ( getint "\nPlease Enter MH number: " ) ) ;(setq e (getstring "\nget no. of first Point :")) ;(setq a (atoi e)) (while (> a 0) (setq aa 1) (while (<= aa 4) (setq p (getpoint "\nselect point :")) (setq v1 (strcat "\n " (itoa a) " " (itoa aa) " ")) (setq d (polar p (dtr 90) 0)) (setq f (itoa aa)) (setq k (itoa a)) (setq g (strcat n "-" k "-P-" f)) (command "layer" "m" "number" "c" "3" "" "") (command "text" "m" d 0.2 ang g) (setq num (entlast)) ;(command "change" num "" "layer" "" number "") (command "change" num "" "p" "layer" "number" "") (command "layer" "m" "point" "c" "1" "" "") (command "point" p) (setq pt (entlast)) ;(command "change" pt "" layer "" point "") (command "change" pt "" "p" "layer" "point" "") (setq x (car p)) (setq x (rtos x 2 4)) (setq x (strcat x " ")) (setq v2 x) (setq y (cadr p)) (setq y (rtos y 2 4)) (setq y (strcat y " ")) (setq v3 y) (princ V1 pl) (princ v2 pl) (princ v3 pl) (setq aa (+ aa 1)) ) (setq a (+ a 1)) ) (command "layer" "m" "txt" "c" "5" "" "") (close pl) (redraw) (princ))(defun c:I () (run) (setq fil (getstring "\nget name of the file (name.ext) :")) (setq p1 (getpoint "select insertion point :")) (setq p2 (polar p1 0.0 35.0)) (setq p3 (polar p1 0.0 105.0)) (setq p4 (polar p1 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 20.0)) (setq p5 (polar p4 0.0 35.0)) (setq p6 (polar p4 0.0 70.0)) (setq p7 (polar p4 0.0 105.0)) (setq p8 (polar p2 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 10.0)) (setq p9 (polar p8 0.0 35.0)) (setq p10 (polar p8 0.0 70.0)) (setq p11 (polar p8 (* -1 pi) 15.0)) (setq p12 (polar p8 (/ pi 2) 5.0)) (setq p13 (polar p8 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 5.0)) (setq p14 (polar p12 0.0 35.0)) (setq p15 (polar p13 0.0 17.5)) (setq p16 (polar p13 0.0 52.5)) (setq p1- (polar p1 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 2000000000.0)) (command "text" "m" p11 3.0 0.0 "POINT NO.") (command "text" "m" p14 3.0 0.0 "COORDINATES") (command "text" "m" p15 3.0 0.0 "X") (command "text" "m" p16 3.0 0.0 "Y") (command "line" p1 p4 "") (setq L14 (entlast)) (command "line" p2 p8 p5 "") (setq L285 (entlast)) (command "line" p9 p6 "") (setq L96 (entlast)) (command "line" p3 p10 p7 "") (setq L3107 (entlast)) (command "line" p1 p2 p3 "") (command "line" p8 p9 p10 "") (command "pline" p4 p5 p6 p7 "") (setq L4567 (entlast)) (setq fill (open fil "r")) (read-line fill) (setq new ()) (setq j 0.0) (setq p44 p4) (while (setq S (read-line fill)) (setq pt (polar p44 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) (+ 5 j))) (setq pt1 (polar pt 0.0 12.5)) (setq pt2 (polar pt 0.0 50)) (setq pt3 (polar pt 0.0 85)) (setq t1 (substr S 1 4)) (setq t11 (strcat n t1)) (setq t2 (substr S 5 18)) (setq t3 (substr S 23 32)) (command "text" "m" pt1 3.0 0.0 t11) (command "text" "m" pt2 3.0 0.0 t2) (command "text" "m" pt3 3.0 0.0 t3) (setq p4 (polar p4 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 10.0)) (setq p5 (polar p5 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 10.0)) (setq p6 (polar p6 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 10.0)) (setq p7 (polar p7 (/ (* -1 pi) 2) 10.0))