- flgface : dialog { //dialog name
- label = "Flange Face."; //dialog label
- :boxed_radio_column { //define radio column
- label = "Type of flange" ; //give it a label
- : radio_button { //define radion button
- key = "rb1" ; //give it a name
- label = "Series A 150#" ; //give it a label
- value = "1" ; //switch it on
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radio button
- key = "rb2" ; //give it a name
- label = "Series A 300#" ; //give it a label
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radio button
- key = "rb3" ; //give it a name
- label = "Series A 400#" ; //give it a label
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radio button
- key = "rb4" ; //give it a name
- label = "Series A 600#" ; //give it a label
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radio button
- key = "rb5" ; //give it a name
- label = "Series A 900#" ; //give it a label
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radion button
- key = "rb6" ; //give it a name
- label = "Series B 150#" ; //give it a label
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radion button
- key = "rb7" ; //give it a name
- label = "Series B 300#" ; //give it a label
- } //end definition
- } //end radio column
- : boxed_column { //define boxed column
- label = "&Size"; //give it a label
- : popup_list { //define popup list
- key = "selections"; //give it a name
- value = "5" ; //initial value
- } //end list
- } //end boxed column
- ok_cancel ; //OK and Cancel Buttons
- :text_part { //Text Label
- label = "Designed by Kenny Ramage";
- }
- :text_part { //Text Label
- label = "created by Don Mitchell";
- }
- }
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