Thank you very much again, han, very good!
I use "Pixel extraction experts " convert logo to vector nice.
I know ,some software can make Qrcode ,
How to convert ? and add to DCL?
This ???
- (defun c:Mimage (/ BackGround Colors DclFile DclList Dist DxfData Entity Height HeightY Inside LastEntity Line LowerRight LspFile LspList Number Objects Pt SaveOsmode UpperLeft Width WidthX WmfFile X X1s X2s XY Y Y1s Y2s) (princ "\nMimage makes an image file for a dialog image tile.") (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (redraw) (setq UpperLeft (nth 0 (ViewPoints)) LowerRight (nth 1 (ViewPoints)) Width (nth 2 (ViewPoints)) Height (nth 3 (ViewPoints))) (if (not *X) (setq *X (fix (+ 0.5 (* 100 (/ Width (float Height))))))) (if (not *Y) (setq *Y 100)) (if (not (setq X (getint (strcat "\nEnter dimx_tile value : ")))) (setq X *X)) (if (not (setq Y (getint (strcat "\nEnter dimy_tile value : ")))) (setq Y *Y)) (if (or (< X 2) (< Y 2)) (progn (princ "\nThe dimx_tile and dimy_tile values must be greater than 1.") (exit)) (setq *X X *Y Y) ) (if (< (/ X (float Y)) (/ Width Height)) (setq Dist (* Height (/ X (float Y))) Pt (list (+ (car UpperLeft) Dist) (cadr LowerRight))) (setq Dist (* Width (/ Y (float X))) Pt (list (car LowerRight) (- (cadr UpperLeft) Dist))) ) (grdraw UpperLeft (list (car UpperLeft) (cadr Pt)) 1) (grdraw (list (car UpperLeft) (cadr Pt)) Pt 1) (grdraw Pt (list (car Pt) (cadr UpperLeft)) 1) (grdraw (list (car Pt) (cadr UpperLeft)) UpperLeft 1) (initget "Yes No") (setq Inside (getkword "\nAre the image objects inside the red outline? [Yes/No] : ")) (if (= Inside "No") (progn (princ "\nPan or zoom as required, then run the program again.") (exit))) (initget "Yes No") (setq BackGround (getkword "\nDo you want an image background? [Yes/No] : ")) (setq BackGround (if (= BackGround "No") " color = -15;" " color = -2;")) (princ "\nCreating image file...") (princ) (if (setq Objects (ssget "c" UpperLeft Pt)) (progn (setq WmfFile (vl-filename-mktemp "Temp.wmf") XY (list X (* Y -1))) (command "wmfout" WmfFile Objects "" "undo" "begin" "zoom" "0,0" XY) (setq LastEntity (entlast) SaveOsmode (getvar "osmode")) (setvar "osmode" 0) (command "wmfin" WmfFile "0,0" 2 2 0) (setvar "osmode" SaveOsmode) (setq Entity (entlast)) (command "explode" Entity) (while (setq Entity (entnext Entity)) (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget Entity))) "POLYLINE") (command "explode" Entity)) ) (setq Entity LastEntity) (while (setq Entity (entnext Entity)) (setq DxfData (entget Entity)) (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 DxfData)) "LINE") (progn (setq X1s (append X1s (list (fix (cadr (assoc 10 DxfData)))))) (setq Y1s (append Y1s (list (fix (abs (caddr (assoc 10 DxfData))))))) (setq X2s (append X2s (list (fix (cadr (assoc 11 DxfData)))))) (setq Y2s (append Y2s (list (fix (abs (caddr (assoc 11 DxfData))))))) (setq Colors (append Colors (list (cdr (assoc 62 DxfData))))) ) ) ) (command "undo" "end" "undo" 1) ) ) (setq WidthX (rtos (+ (* (1- X) (/ 1 6.0)) 0.09) 2 2) HeightY (rtos (+ (* (1- Y) (/ 1 13.0)) 0.048) 2 2)) (setq DclList (list "Vimage : dialog {" " label = "Vimage Preview"; spacer;" " : image {" " key = "image1";" " alignment = centered;" (strcat " width = " WidthX ";") " fixed_width = true;" (strcat " height = " HeightY ";") " fixed_height = true;" BackGround " }" " ok_only;" "}")) (setq DclFile (open (strcat *VimageFolder "Vimage.dcl") "w")) (foreach Line DclList (write-line Line DclFile)) (close DclFile) (setq LspList (list "(defun Vimage (/ DclID)" " (setq DclID (load_dialog (strcat *VimageFolder "Vimage.dcl")))" " (new_dialog "Vimage" DclID)" " (image1)" " (princ (strcat "\\ndimx_tile = " (itoa (dimx_tile "image1")) ", dimy_tile = " (itoa (dimy_tile "image1")))) (princ)" " (start_dialog)" " (unload_dialog DclID)" " (princ)" ")" "(defun image1 ()" " (start_image "image1")")) (if Objects (progn (setq LspList (append LspList (list " (mapcar 'vector_image"))) (setq Line " (list") (foreach Number X1s (setq Line (strcat Line " " (Align Number)))) (setq Line (strcat Line ")")) (setq LspList (append LspList (list Line))) (setq Line " (list") (foreach Number Y1s (setq Line (strcat Line " " (Align Number)))) (setq Line (strcat Line ")")) (setq LspList (append LspList (list Line))) (setq Line " (list") (foreach Number X2s (setq Line (strcat Line " " (Align Number)))) (setq Line (strcat Line ")")) (setq LspList (append LspList (list Line))) (setq Line " (list") (foreach Number Y2s (setq Line (strcat Line " " (Align Number)))) (setq Line (strcat Line ")")) (setq LspList (append LspList (list Line))) (setq Line " (list") (foreach Number Colors (setq Line (strcat Line " " (Align Number)))) (setq Line (strcat Line ")")) (setq LspList (append LspList (list Line " )"))) ) ) (setq LspList (append LspList (list " (end_image)" ")"))) (setq LspFile (open (strcat *VimageFolder "Vimage.lsp") "w")) (foreach Line LspList (write-line Line LspFile)) (close LspFile) (princ " Complete!") (c:Vimage) (princ))(defun c:Vimage () (if (and (findfile (strcat *VimageFolder "Vimage.lsp")) (findfile (strcat *VimageFolder "Vimage.dcl"))) (progn (load (strcat *VimageFolder "Vimage.lsp")) (Vimage)) (princ (strcat "\nRun Mimage first to create the " *VimageFolder "Vimage.lsp file.")) ) (princ))(defun Align (Number) (cond ((< Number 10) (strcat " " (itoa Number))) ((< Number 100) (strcat " " (itoa Number))) ((itoa Number)) ))(defun ViewPoints (/ Center Height LowerRight UpperLeft Width) (setq Height (getvar "viewsize")) (setq Width (* Height (/ (car (getvar "screensize")) (cadr (getvar "screensize"))))) (setq Center (trans (getvar "viewctr") 1 2)) (setq UpperLeft (trans (list (- (car Center) (/ Width 2.0)) (+ (cadr Center) (/ Height 2.0))) 2 1)) (setq LowerRight (list (+ (car UpperLeft) Width) (- (cadr UpperLeft) Height))) (list UpperLeft LowerRight Width Height))(setq *X nil *Y nil *VimageFolder "C:\\Temp\")(if (not (findfile (strcat *VimageFolder "Vimage.dcl"))) (vl-mkdir *VimageFolder))(princ "\nType Mimage2 to make image file or type Vimage to view image.")