- [color="red"][EDIT] in red[/color]
- *IL:shx* *IL:user* ;global variables
- (defun c:[color="red"]ILM[/color] (/ *error* v var p0 u1 u2 tmp shx f ip sz [color="red"]str[/color]); [color="red"]Invert level[/color] elevation marker
- ;hanhphuc 25/10/2014
- (if (not(findfile (setq shx (strcat(getvar "tempprefix") "IL.shx"))))
- (progn (setq f (open (setq tmp (strcat(getvar "tempprefix") "IL.shp")) "W"))
- (foreach x
- '("*1,42,IL"
- "4,250,4,4,3,107,3,37,3,28,002,9,(0,0),001,9,(64,111),(-127,0),(-1,0),(64,-111),(0,0),002,9,(0,0),001,4,28,4,37,4,107,3"
- "4,3,250,0")
- (write-line x f))
- (close f)
- (command "compile" tmp)
- )
- ); if
- (if (and (not *IL:shx* ) shx)
- (setq *IL:shx* (vl-cmdf "load" shx)))
- (mapcar 'set '( v str *error* var)
- (list '( "osmode" "cmdecho" "dimzin")'("\nRef. station?" "Datum?" "Textsize?" )
- '((msg) (if(not (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
- (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))(princ))
- (mapcar 'getvar v )))
- (foreach x v (setvar x 0))
- [color="gray"];;; OP's quoted : " my datum is 594, invert level is 600.23, on station 0+321 "[/color] [color="gray"]so set as default value..
- [/color]
- (setq *IL:user* (if (vl-every 'not *IL:user*) '((0. [color="blue"]594.[/color] 1.) ([color="blue"]321. 600.23[/color])) (list (car *IL:user*) (cadr *IL:user*))))
- (if (and (setq p0 (getpoint "\nPick reference point.."))
- (setq u1 (hp# 'getreal '(0 0 6) str (car *IL:user*)))
- ) ;_ end of and
- (progn
- (prompt
- (vl-string-translate "?" ":"
- (apply 'strcat (mapcar ''((a b )(strcat a (rtos b 2 2))) str (car *IL:user*)))))
- (textpage)
- (while (if (and (setq u2 (hp# 'getreal '(0 0) '("\nInput STA?" "Invert Level?") (cadr *IL:user*)))
- (setq *IL:user* (list u1 u2))
- (setq ip (mapcar '+ p0 (mapcar '- u2 u1)))
- ) ;_ end of and
- (progn
- (setq sz (caddar *IL:user*))
- (vl-cmdf "shape" "IL" ip sz 0.0)
- (entmakex (list '(0 . "TEXT")
- (cons 1 (strcat "IL" (rtos (cadadr *IL:user*) 2 2)))
- (cons 40 sz )
- (cons 10 (polar ip (/ pi 4.) (* 1.4121 sz )))
- ) ;_ end of list
- ) ;_ end of entmakex
- ) ;_ end of progn
- ) ;_ end of if
- ) ;_ end of while
- )
- ) ;_ end of if
- (mapcar 'setvar v var)
- (princ)
- )
- ;; courtesy of the author's of "Inside AutoLisp"
- ;; for rel. 10 published by New Riders Publications
- ;; Referenced to the concept of UREAL UKWORD,
- ;;;HP# ; user prompt for numbers by hanhphuc 2014
- (defun hp# (_f _ini _msg _def / usr l)
- (if (and(member _f '(getreal getint getdist))
- (vl-every '(lambda (x) (= (type x) 'INT)) _ini )
- )
- (progn (setq usr (mapcar '(lambda (i a b) (initget i) ((eval _f) (strcat a " < "(rtos b 2 2) " > : ")))
- _ini
- _msg
- _def
- ) ;_ end of mapcar
- ) ; setq
- (while usr
- (setq l (cons (if (null (car usr))
- (car _def)
- (car usr)
- ) ;_ end of if
- l
- ) ;_ end of cons
- usr (cdr usr)
- _def (cdr _def)
- ) ;_ end of setq
- l
- ) ;_ end of while
- (reverse l)
- ) ;_ end of progn
- ) ;_ end of if
- ) ;_ end of defun
命令:[color=“red”]ILM[color]选取参考点。。[颜色=“红色”];[屏幕中基准点处的拾取点]参考站?<0.00>:[color=“red”];[输入]基准?<594.00>:[color=“red”];[输入]文本大小?<1.00>:[color=“red”];[输入]参考桩号:0.00 |基准:594.00 |文本大小:1.00[颜色=“红色”];:120.反转电平?<600.23>:690.50输入STA?<120.00>:[color=“red”];