发表于 2022-7-5 22:54:20
The problem is that the command clayer expects a text input which is fine, but it also accepts a space as text, so where your script is correct in using a space for the equivalent of "enter" it all breaks down with certain commands another similar one is "-layer", this also mucks things up. Someone else might have a different method, but I either use excel VBA to create a script file and code in the line returns, or physically create the seperate lines of text which makes your code column larger than your data, (another method would be to split your data over 3 lines each time, it depends where it comes from).
Anyway attached is one way if you select the 3 cells colored yellow and drag/copy the formulas down it should repeat correctly for as many rows as you need (the formulas are setup to start at row 8 if you move things about they will need adjusting).
Good luck
PS Welcome to CADTutor
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