- (if (not parpt);; tests for parpt existence, if not, initializes the lst list with the first string
- (setq lst (cons;; to add elements to the lst list
- (strcat;; to concatenate multiple strings in one
- pre;; first sting element, the prefix i.e D
- (itoa pos);; the prefix index
- "," "0.000,0.000,";; second and third string elements, the partial and accumulated distances
- (rtos (caddr pt) 2 3);; the fourth string element, the Z value
- );; strcat
- lst);; cons
- parpt pt;; sets parpt with the pt value
- );; setq
- ;; if the lst list is already initialized, just continues to add strings to the lst list
- (setq lst (cons;; to add elements to the lst list
- (strcat;; to concatenate multiple strings in one
- pre;; first sting element, the prefix i.e D
- (itoa pos);; the prefix index
- ",";; the first comma separator
- ;; store the partial distance at the pdist variable
- (rtos (setq pdist (distance (list (car pt) (cadr pt)) (list (car parpt) (cadr parpt)))) 2 3)
- ",";; the second comma separator
- ;; the third string element adding acdist and pdist,
- ;; and store the accumulated distance at acdist variable
- (rtos (setq acdist (+ acdist pdist)) 2 3)
- ",";; the third comma separator
- (rtos (caddr pt) 2 3);; the fourth string element, the Z value
- );; strcat
- lst);; cons
- parpt pt;; sets parpt with the pt value
- );; setq
- );; if
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