发表于 2022-7-5 23:33:48
Well I just read that the - before a command means it will be a non-dialog version of a command. So command like style will not have a dialog box pop up, but will
just be prompted entries on the command line to run the command. BigAl, I was just having a problem with the insert command. I have some blocks I like to use,
and I want the insert command to act as a single click command where I can pick where the block is to go, and the rest of the insert command is just the defaults.
Like (command "insert" "block" pause "" "" "0") would allow me to put the block where I want it, and the default scales would be accepted by the "", and the "0"
would set the rotation to zero. The syntax above works at the command line, but not from a macro created in the cui. If I create a custom command in the cui,
and enter the above syntax, I still have to press enter for each part of the insert command for the default. Just wondered why it is different in the cui. |