Hello all,
I am attempting to extract a list of all blocks and their attributed text into excel (from which to build a BOM). Using the dataextraction commands works, but there are a lot of button clicks (aka places where users could get confused or click the wrong thing).
I tried using -dataextraction, but for some reason using the command line version does not let me search for objects in the current drawing. Opening the extraction wizard confirms this - whenever I load a template, even if I selected "also search in current drawing" when making it, it's unchecked by default.
Something like Lee Mac's program MacAtt might work, but it doesn't have a command line version.
I've also tried using the code from this thread http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?50663-Data-Extraction
but upon running it, I get "error: quit / exit abort"
I'm thinking there is a way to do what I want through the "ATTEXT" command, but every time I try to use it, it says "0 records in extract file" and the output file is blank.
Anyone have ideas about what else I can try? |