- Public Sub TelAllDocs()
- Dim aDocs As Variant, aDoc As AcadDocument
- Dim oBlok As AcadBlockReference, Pt
- Dim Excel As Object, ExcelSheet As Object
- Dim nX
- Dim EersteRij() As Variant
- Debug.Print
- Set Excel = StartExcel
- Excel.Visible = True
- Excel.Workbooks.Add
- Set ExcelSheet = Excel.sheets.Add
- ExcelSheet.name = Format(Application.Documents.Count, "00") & "-documenten"
- RowNum = 2
- EersteRij = Array("Bloknaam", "X", "Y", "Handle", "Layer", "Pad", "Filenaam")
- ExcelSheet.Range("A1:BZ1").Font.Bold = True
- For nX = LBound(EersteRij) To UBound(EersteRij)
- ExcelSheet.cells(1, nX + 1).Value = EersteRij(nX)
- Next nX
- AppActivate "Autocad", False
- DoEvents
- On Error Resume Next
- ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oBlok, Pt, "Wijs Blok aan : "
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
- On Error GoTo 0
- Set aDocs = Application.Documents
- For Each aDoc In aDocs
- Debug.Print aDoc.Path; ""; aDoc.name
- aDoc.Activate
- TelAttrDoc oBlok.name
- Next
- Beep
- Set Excel = Nothing
- Set ExcelSheet = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub TelAttrDoc(sBlokNaam)
- Dim Excel As Object
- Dim oBlokje As Object
- Dim ExcelSheet As Object
- Dim Array1 As Variant
- Dim Count
- Dim NumberOfAttributes As Integer
- Dim FoundAttributes As Boolean
- Dim tmp As Integer
- Dim oBlokjeReference As AcadBlockReference
- Dim sBlokName As String
- Dim nKol1, nX, Retval As Double, nTimeout As Byte
- Dim EersteRij() As Variant
- Dim W9 As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim Q4 As cObj
- Set Q4 = New cObj
- Q4.VoegToeGroepModified BLOK, Left(sBlokNaam, 7) & "*"
- Q4.SelType = acSelectAll
- Q4.ExcecuteSelect
- Set W9 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(Q4.SelSetNaam)
- Debug.Print W9.Count
- If W9.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
- nTagTeller = 0
- Set Excel = StartExcel
- Set ExcelSheet = Excel.sheets(Format(Application.Documents.Count, "00") & "-documenten")
- On Error GoTo 0
- EersteRij = Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "")
- For Each oBlokje In W9
- If oBlokje.HasAttributes Then
- Set oBlokjeReference = oBlokje
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 1) = oBlokje.name
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 1).NumberFormat = "@"
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 2).Value = oBlokjeReference.InsertionPoint(0)
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 3).Value = oBlokjeReference.InsertionPoint(1)
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 4).NumberFormat = "@"
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 4).Value = oBlokjeReference.Handle
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 5).Value = oBlokjeReference.Layer
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 6).Value = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dwgprefix")
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, 7).Value = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dwgname")
- Array1 = oBlokjeReference.GetAttributes
- For Count = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1)
- nKol1 = WelkeKolomMod(Trim(Array1(Count).TagString), ExcelSheet, UBound(EersteRij) + 1)
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, nKol1).NumberFormat = "@"
- ExcelSheet.cells(RowNum, nKol1).Value = Trim(Array1(Count).TextString)
- Next Count
- RowNum = RowNum + 1
- End If
- Next oBlokje
- Set Excel = Nothing
- Set ExcelSheet = Nothing
- End Sub
对不起,里面有荷兰语.:-) |