- Command: (if (layerstate-import "I:\DRAWINGS\090-0056
- LFMP\Common\ME_Layer_State.las")
- (_> (layerstate-restore "ME_Layer_State" nil)
- (_> )
- nil
- Command: _QSAVE
- You are trying to save AEC objects to a previous version file format. This is
- not permitted.
- These objects can be viewed in a previous version if Proxy Graphics are enabled,
- but AEC commands will be disabled.
- Users of 2004, 2005 and 2006 versions should install an updated Object Enabler
- (available from [url="http://www.autodesk.com/enablers"]www.autodesk.com/enablers[/url]) before opening these drawings.
- Previous versions will display error messages.