- (defun c:cfp ( / i ss plist_o ss_n elist_t plist_t pcount bpoint)
- (vl-load-com)
- ;get points of original polyline
- (setq
- ss (car(entsel "\nSelect Polyline to copy."))
- plist_o (vl-remove-if-not
- (function (lambda (pt) (= (car pt) 10)))
- (entget ss)
- )
- )
- ;get userinput on how many points should be fixed and basepoint for multiple copies
- (initget 4)
- (setq
- pcount (getint "\nHow many points should be fixed? <1>"))
- (if (= pcount nil) (setq pcount 1))
- (setq bpoint (getpoint "\nSelect basepoint"))
- (while (not nil)
- ;perform copy and get the points of the temporal polyline
- (command "_copy" ss "" bpoint pause)
- (setq
- ss_n (entlast)
- elist_t (entget ss_n)
- plist_t (vl-remove-if-not
- (function (lambda (pt) (= (car pt) 10)))
- (entget ss_n)
- )
- )
- ;change the fixed points of the temporal polyline back to the
- ;original points and draw the final polyline
- (setq i 0)
- (repeat pcount
- (setq elist_t
- (subst
- (nth i plist_o)
- (nth i plist_t)
- elist_t
- )
- )
- (setq i (1+ i))
- )
- (entmod elist_t)
- )
- )