- ;; Polygonal Wipeout - Lee Mac ;
- ;; Creates an n-sided Polygonal Wipeout with the given center (UCS) & radius ;
- ;; ;
- ;; Modified by ymg ;
- (defun pwipeout ( cen rad n / ang inc lst )
- (setq inc (/ pi n 0.5)
- ang (* (/ pi 2) -1)
- )
- (repeat n
- (setq lst (cons (list 14 (* 0.5 (cos ang)) (* 0.5 (sin ang))) lst)
- ang (+ ang inc)
- )
- )
- (entmakex
- (append
- (list
- (cons 0 "WIPEOUT")
- (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
- (cons 100 "AcDbWipeout")
- (cons 10 (trans (mapcar '- cen (list rad rad)) 1 0))
- (cons 11 (trans (list (+ rad rad) 0.0) 1 0 t))
- (cons 12 (trans (list 0.0 (+ rad rad)) 1 0 t))
- (cons 280 1)
- (cons 71 2)
- (cons 91 (1+ (length lst)))
- )
- (cons (last lst) lst)
- )
- )
- )
- ;;; listpol (gile) ;
- ;;; Returns the vertices list of any type of polyline (WCS coordinates) ;
- ;;; ;
- ;;; Argument ;
- ;;; pl : a polyline (ename or vla-object) ;
- (defun listpol (pl / pa pt lst)
- (vl-load-com)
- (setq pa (if (vlax-curve-IsClosed pl)
- (vlax-curve-getEndParam pl)
- (1+ (vlax-curve-getEndParam pl))
- )
- )
- (while (setq pt (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam pl (setq pa (1- pa))))
- (setq lst (cons (trans pt 0 1 ) lst))
- )
- )
- ;; By Jason Piercey ;
- ;; Returns t if wipeouts frames are turned off ;
- (defun frameOff? ()
- (and
- (setq Data (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_WIPEOUT_VARS"))
- (zerop (cdr (assoc 70 Data)))
- )
- )
- (defun c:test ()
- ; Initializing wipeouts ;
- (vl-cmdf "_WIPEOUT" '(0 0) '(5 5) '(8 "")
- (if (not (frameoff?)) (c:tframes))
- (entdel (entlast))
- (princ "\nSelect a Polyline: ")
- (setq en (entsel))
- (while (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car en)))) "*POLYLINE"))
- (princ "\nThe entity selected must be a POLYLINE ...")
- (setq en (entsel))
- )
- (setq ent (car en)
- pl (listpol ent)
- )
- (foreach p pl
- (pwipeout p 0.5 30)
- (vl-cmdf "_POINT" p)
- )
- )