Okay, great, that should do....thanks, I'll test it too but I see from your returned info there what needs to happen.
Thanks Lee, once again
Ahhhhh, alright. I see.
- (member "Visibility1" (car lst))("Visibility1" "Check Valve" "Flanged Check Valve")
How I would have expected my tests earlier to return is obtained by this method, simply stating adding to look in the first item in the list "lst" , being as there is only the one actual list with data within lst, that's why the (car) function is required. And once it's looking at the lst containing the three strings, and finds "Visibility1" within that list, it returns the entire list.
It does not, however, return True...but I'm assuming that an (if) statement could be wrapped around the (member) statement and if a list is returned (i.e. the item is found in the list), then the if function would proceed to the "then" portion, as if it returned True. This would be easy to test in fact i'll do it now.... |