With the yellow collor is your results. Some calculations are the same with mine but same other are difference.I add some red points to speak about specific position
nice job pBe thanx.The first part of my question is complete.....
Can you do something for the second part.
- select level lines (polilynes with angle of inclination) and calculate the beween elevetions
Yes it can be done, but what will be the reference for the distance? is it the block insertion point? [refer to second code at post # 10]
Item number 2: based on your example. "elevation" between contor 1 and contour 2 you have 110.8, automating the process can be quite tricky . if i to write a code i will determine half the distance between contour lines which makes a dead even 110.00. and so on. Now if you add an option to indicate a "distance from" or divide the space by # then we can proceed to do that. IF you are wanting to pick a point between each contour at every interval, that will give the distance per level, is that how you wanted it to work for you?