Hey Big Bros,Need Little Help Here ,
i am getting error msg i.e bad " argument type: stringp nil"
I dnt understand where i doing mistake pls help
if i Try to debug Program ,Lst Break source showing here (strcat "\n--->Error:" s))
- (defun c:sqn(/ *error* _def dtr adoc space th rot point) (vl-load-com)(defun *error* (s) (if adoc (vla-endundomark adoc)) (if (not (member s '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))) (princ (strcat "\n--->Error:" s)) ) (princ))(defun dtr (a)(* pi (/ a 180)) )(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))(setq space (vla-get-modelspace adoc))(vla-startundomark adoc)(if (and (setq th (getreal "\nEnter Value for Text Height:")) (setq rot (getreal "\nEnter Value for Text Rotation in Degrees:")) ) (progn (defun _def (msg *ans*) (if (not *ans*)(setq *ans* 1)) (setq *ans* (cond ((getreal (strcat msg ":")) ) (*ans*) ) ) ) (setq inr (_def "\nEnter number:" inr)) (while (if (setq point (getpoint (strcat "\nPick Point to place :"))) (progn (setq Text(vla-addtext space (rtos inr) (vlax-3d-point point) th)) (vla-put-rotation Text (dtr rot)) (setq inr(1+ inr)) ) ) ) ))(*error* nil)(princ))