im thankful to you guys,...
my current problem is y the coordinates are in INCHES,.... ? THEY MUST BE IN FEET,.........
- (defun Styles() ;create text Style (if (not (tblsearch "style" "Gen-Text")) (command "-style" "Gen-Text" "Arial.ttf" "A""yes" "No" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n")) ;create dimension style (if (not (tblsearch "DImstyle" "Dim Arrow Ann")) (progn (command "dim" "style" "Gen-Text" "DIMADEC" 0 "DIMALT" 0 "DIMALTD" 2 "DIMALTF" 1.000 "DIMALTRND" 0.0000 "DIMALTTD" 2 "DIMALTTZ" 0 "DIMALTU" 2 "DIMALTZ" 0 "DIMASZ" 3 "DIMATFIT" 3 "DIMAUNIT" 0 "DIMAZIN" 0 "DIMBLK" "" "DIMBLK1" "" "DIMBLK2" "" "DIMLDRBLK" "" "DIMCEN" 0 "DIMCLRD" 7 "DIMCLRE" 7 "DIMCLRT" 7 "DIMDEC" 0 "DIMDLE" 0.0000 "DIMDLI" 1.0000 "DIMEXE" 1.5000 "DIMEXO" 1.5000 "DIMFRAC" 0 "DIMGAP" 1.0000 "DIMJUST" 0 "DIMLFAC" 1000.0000 "DIMLIM" 0 "DIMLUNIT" 2 "DIMLWD" 0 "DIMLWE" 0 "DIMRND" 0.0000 "DIMSAH" 0 "DIMSCALE" 1.0000 "DIMSD1" 0 "DIMSD2" 0 "DIMSE1" 0 "DIMSE2" 0 "DIMSOXD" 0 "DIMTAD" 1 "DIMTDEC" 0 "DIMTIH" 0 "DIMTIX" 0 "DIMTM" 0.0000 "DIMTMOVE" 0 "DIMTOFL" 0 "DIMTOH" 0 "DIMTSZ" 0.0000 "DIMTVP" 0.0000 "DIMTXSTY" "Gen-Text" "DIMTXT" 2.5000 "DIMZIN" 0 "DIMFIT" 5 /e) (command "dimstyle" "An" "y" "Dim Arrow Ann" "S" "") ) ;progn ) ;if ) ;defun;;-------------------------------------------* error *-----------------------------------------------------(defun trap1 (errmsg) (setq *error* temperr) (setvar "clayer" clay) (prompt "\n © Bijoy manoharan 2010")(princ)) ;defun;;-------------------------------------------Set Datum-----------------------------------------------------(defun C:dat (/ num op sta pga stb pgb) (command "cmdecho"0) (command "ucs" "w") ;;; input station (if (not nf-ns) (setq nf-ns 0.000)) ; default number (setq NUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter Eastward datum : "))) (if (not num) (setq num nf-ns) (setq nf-ns num)) ;;; input pgl (if (not sf-ss) (setq sf-ss 0.000)) ; default number (setq SUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter Northward datum : "))) (if (not sum) (setq sum sf-ss) (setq sf-ss sum)) ;;; set orign point (setq op (getpoint "\nPick datum orgin point: ")) (setq sta (car op)) (setq pga (cadr op)) (setq stb (- sta num)) (setq pgb (- pga sum)) (command "ucs" "m" (list stb pgb 0)) (prompt "\nOrigin moved to new loaction - Enter Command EN to place Text") (princ)) ;defun ;;-------------------------------------------Place Text----------------------------------------------------(defun C:EN (/ enp1 ex ey dy ptl e TextObj vlText) (command "cmdecho"0) (setq clay (getvar "clayer")) (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* trap1) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Text Coordinate")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Text Coordinate" "C" "7" "Text Coordinate" "LT" "Continuous" "Text Coordinate""LW" "0.15" "Text Coordinate" "")) (Styles) (command "CLAYER" "Text Coordinate") (command "-DIMSTYLE" "r" "Dim Arrow Ann") (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command (while (progn (setq enp1 (getpoint "\nPick Coordinate point: ")) (setq ex (car enp1)) ;x coord (setq ey (cadr enp1)) ;y coord (setq enx (rtos ex 2 3)) (setq eny (rtos ey 2 3)) (setq ptl (getpoint "\nPick text location: ")) (SETVAR 'DIMTAD 0) ; Justification centered (SETVAR 'DIMLDRBLK "_ORIGIN") ;; leader arrow (command "leader" enp1 ptl "" (strcat "E " enx) (strcat "N " eny) "") (setq TextObj (entlast)) (vl-load-com) (setq vlText (vlax-ename->vla-object TextObj)) (vlax-put-property vlText 'backgroundfill :vlax-true) ; background mask (SETVAR 'DIMTAD 1 ) ; Justification above (setvar "DIMLDRBLK" ".") ;;leader arrow (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command ) ;progn ) ;while (princ)) ; defun ;;----------------------------------------Back to UCS World-----------------------------------------------------(defun C:uw () (command "ucs" "w") (prompt "\nUCS Origin is set to World") (princ)) ; defun(princ "\nEasting & Northing Lisp | © Bijoy manoharan 2010 | [url=""][/url] |")(princ "\nLisp Commands:DAT(to set Datum point),UW(Ucs World),EN(to Coordinate text)")(princ);;----------------------------------------------End-----------------------------------------------------