- ; starts with a screen layout and asks you to pick a lable/button
- ; now check each sq if picked then run sq_pick
- (foreach pd0 wallszlst
- (action_tile pd0 "(sq_pick)")
- )
- (start_dialog)
- ; now (sq_pick) is a defun that asks which sq is picked and then you run another action
- (defun sq_pick ()
- (setq ans $key)
- (cond
- ; ((= ans "sq1")(setq slays 1)(dumlays)(mode_tile "sq1" 1))
- ((= ans "sq2")(setq call_lst scalelst)(subdlg2)(scaleset)(mode_tile "sq2" 1))
- ; you can see lots of defuns calls rather than code much easier to handle coding
- (defun subdlg2 ()
- ; (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "ca4nwlst"))
- (if (not (new_dialog "ca4nwlst" dcl_id))
- (exit))
- (start_list "size_list")
- ; call_lst is a variable name giving name of list
- (mapcar 'add_list call_lst)
- (end_list)
- (action_tile "size_list" "(setq newans (atoi $value))(done_dialog)")
- (start_dialog)
- )