- (defun c:clr2by (/ doc blks lays lokt new-ltype old-ltype)
- ;;convert all objects in a drawing to color=bylayer
- ;;by Jeff Mishler - updated 7/25/05 to handle dimension colors
- ;;updated 1/05/06 to affect Attributes and to change a specific linetype to another
- ;;Modified, Bob Shaw (ECCAD)..Added Lists of Linetypes to swap.
- (vl-load-com)
- ;; List of Linetypes to swap..
- (setq Old_lt_lst (list
- "$$$bla_bla"
- ))
- (setq New_lt_lst (list
- ))
- ;;
- (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
- blks (vla-get-blocks doc)
- lays (vla-get-layers doc)
- ;;;;old-ltype "OLD" ;;;;; change this to match your old ltype
- ;;;;new-ltype "NEW" ;;;;; change this to match your new ltype
- )
- (vlax-for lay lays
- (if (eq (vla-get-lock lay) :vlax-true)
- (progn
- (setq lokt (cons lay lokt))
- (vla-put-lock lay :vlax-false)
- )
- )
- )
- (vlax-for blk blks
- (vlax-for ent blk
- (mapcar '(lambda (x)
- (if (vlax-property-available-p ent x)
- (vlax-put ent x 256)
- )
- )
- (list "Color" "DimensionLineColor" "ExtensionLineColor" "TextColor")
- )
- (if (and (vlax-property-available-p ent 'hasattributes)
- (eq (vla-get-hasattributes ent) :vlax-true)
- )
- (foreach att (vlax-invoke ent 'getattributes)
- (vla-put-color att 256)
- )
- )
- ;;
- (setq n 0)
- (repeat (length Old_lt_lst)
- (setq Olt (nth n Old_lt_lst))
- (setq Nlt (nth n New_lt_lst))
- (if (and (eq (vla-get-linetype ent) Olt)
- (tblsearch "LTYPE" Nlt))
- (vla-put-linetype ent Nlt)
- )
- (setq n (+ n 1))
- ); repeat
- ;;
- )
- )
- (if lokt
- (mapcar '(lambda (x)
- (vla-put-lock x :vlax-true)
- )
- lokt
- )
- )
- (princ)
- )
- (c:clr2by); and run it.