I need to draw thousands of gaskets/concentric circles/ in order to cut them with a plotter. I am drawing them automatically with autocad from the coordinates of the concentric circles and their radius/multiple, circle command/ which I got from an excel table. Using them I am making two concentric circles, but I would like to autoname them and convert every single gasket to a block.
I can do it by hand but the count of the gaskets is very big.
Can you write a LISP program which writes a block from every 2 concentric circles and generates it's name in order to export every block to a single DWG file.
You could write a script using the excel data and do it that way. To do in a lisp you could export a csv file, cen1xy, rad1, cen2xy, rad2 then read line by line creating block.
Any body seen that guy "Can you" lately he is really in demand.
Yes I've met only "I can't" lately. I am able to create the conentric circles from an excel file and draw them. The whole problem is that they every two concentric circles are not a block but single objects. Is it possible to create such script. I am very new to LISP.