- ; banner text lisp by BIGAL Oct 2012
- (defun readlines ()
- (SETQ Y (+ Y 1))
- (setq new_line (nth y newfonts))
- (setq ans1 (strcat ans1 new_line))
- (SETQ Y (+ Y 1))
- (setq new_line (nth y newfonts))
- (setq ans2 (strcat ans2 new_line))
- (SETQ Y (+ Y 1))
- (setq new_line (nth y newfonts))
- (setq ans3 (strcat ans3 new_line))
- (SETQ Y (+ Y 1))
- (setq new_line (nth y newfonts))
- (setq ans4 (strcat ans4 new_line))
- (SETQ Y (+ Y 1))
- (setq new_line (nth y newfonts))
- (setq ans5 (strcat ans5 new_line))
- (SETQ Y (+ Y 1))
- (setq new_line (nth y newfonts))
- (setq ans6 (strcat ans6 new_line))
- (SETQ Y (+ Y 1))
- (setq new_line (nth y newfonts))
- (setq ans7 (strcat ans7 new_line))
- )
- (defun xfonts ()
- (setq y 0)
- (repeat z
- (if (= (nth Y newfonts) newchar)
- (readlines)
- )
- (setq y (+ y 1))
- ) ;end repeat
- ) ; end defun
- ; this start point
- (setq words (getstring "\nEnter title no spaces.."))
- (SETQ WORDLEN (strlen words))
- ; need dummy value to start
- (SETQ ANS1 ";"
- ANS2 ";"
- ANS3 ";"
- ANS4 ";"
- ANS5 ";"
- ANS6 ";"
- ANS7 ";"
- )
- ;make a list of all the lines
- (setq fo (open "c:/alan/stuff/extra fonts A-Z.TXT" "r"))
- (while (setq new_line (read-line fo))
- (setq newfonts (cons new_line newfonts))
- )
- (setq newfonts (reverse newfonts))
- (close fo)
- (setq z (length newfonts))
- (setq x 1)
- (repeat wordlen
- (setq newchar (substr words x 1))
- (xfonts)
- (setq x (+ x 1))
- )
- (COMMAND "TEXT" "0,0" "" ans1)
- (cOMMAND "TEXT" "0,-2.5" "" ans2)
- (cOMMAND "TEXT" "0,-5.0" "" ans3)
- (cOMMAND "TEXT" "0,-7.5" "" ans4)
- (cOMMAND "TEXT" "0,-10.0" "" ans5)
- (cOMMAND "TEXT" "0,-12.5" "" ans6)
- (cOMMAND "TEXT" "0,-15.0" "" ans7)
- (setq ans1 NIL
- ans2 NIL
- ans3 NIL
- ans4 NIL
- ans5 NIL
- ans6 NIL
- ans7 NIL
- )
- (PRINC) ; exit quitely