I cannot get enough of this lisp! Just curious. As the code is..it imports a block to the endpoints only w/o adding the block to the endpoints of the lines within plines..Is it possible to have the block import to the points within a selected group of plines?..or even more, just these points and excluding the endpoints? My first amateur move was to add pline to the snippet
( (not (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "ARC,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,SPLINE,PLINE,LINE,LWPOLYLINE,")))))
That did not do it I had come across a similar code using node insert below, but thinking of all the snap settings don't know how something like that is possible..Any advice?
Sorry I couldn't find the author to give credit to on this..
FYI: The Polyline object is already included in the selectionset filter: 'LWPOLYLINE' - Polylines are not called 'PLINES'.
The SelectionSet filter utilises the same data as can be found when querying an entity using entget, hence to check the entity name, use something like: