Hi Guys,
I work on a lisp that will extract radius from circles in a drawing and insert these values in a table (and a number for each circle...). I want to use data taken from some cells, i don't know how. Any help? Some example? Some links? Some tutorials for table in visual lisp? Thanks!
Since operations involving Table values in most cases involve specification of a row and column, the VLA Table Object is predominantly manipulated using Visual LISP methods rather than properties (which only use a single parameter).
To find the properties and methods associated with a Table Object, use the vlax-dump-object function:
(defun c:dump ( / en ) (if (setq en (car (entsel))) (vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object en) t) ) (princ))(vl-load-com) (princ)
You can then find information about each of these methods in the Visual LISP IDE Help Documentation; the documentation is written for VBA, but the parameter data types and their order translate directly to Visual LISP in most cases.
To retrieve data from Table Cells, look specifically into the GetText / GetValue / GetCellValue methods.