Is there anybody who can tell me where can I find information about ALL VLA-... COMMANDS. It's a disaster not to be able to find any information on the help of AutoCAD 2006 and some others about it.
Normally it would be possible to run a routine, script, lisp or whatever within AutoCAD and get a result, but it is really an act of faith not to find a-n-y information about it on the help from the program.
I would like to know what it's possible and not to do through a lisp routine.
Use the ActiveX & VBA Reference in the Visual LISP IDE (VLIDE) Help Documentation. It contains all the properties & methods of the AutoCAD Object Model; all other Visual LISP funcitons (vl-* / vlr-* / vlax-*) are contained in the standard AutoLISP Reference.
The ActiveX & VBA Reference is written for VBA, but the translation to LISP is obvious since the number of parameters / data types / parameter order are all the same.
If you're running a version of AutoCAD pre 2011, the ActiveX & VBA Reference (acadauto.chm) file is directly linked to the VLIDE Help button.
If you're running a version of AutoCAD 2011 onwards, the acadauto.chm file can still be found at: