;; ********** Miscellaneous Entries **********; Alternative GROUND LEVEL, PIPE INVERT LEVEL, PIPE DEPTH AND CHAINAGE entry(defun C:GROUND ( ) (points) (lines) (texts)); Entry points for Ground Level and Pipe Invert Level(defun points ( ) (setq glp (getpoint "\nEnter Ground Level (endpoint): ") ; Ground Level Entry plp (getpoint "\nEnter Pipe Invert Level (intersection): ")) ;Pipe Invert Level Entry);Vertical lines sub-routine(defun lines ( ); ground level (setq lingl1 (list (nth 0 glp) (nth 1 ptth1)) lingl2 (list (nth 0 glp) (nth 1 ptgl1))) (command "line" lingl1 lingl2 ""); pipe invert and depth of pipe (setq linpinv (list (nth 0 plp) (nth 1 ptgl1)) lindep (list (nth 0 plp) (nth 1 ptdep1))) (command "line" linpinv lindep ""); chainage (setq linch1 (list (nth 0 glp) (nth 1 ptdep1)) linch2 (list (nth 0 glp) (nth 1 ptch1))) (command "line" linch1 linch2 ""))(defun texts ( / _AddSta)(defun _AddSta (num /) (if (>= num 1000.0) (strcat ((lambda (s) (substr s 1 (- (strlen s) 3)) ) (vl-string-left-trim "+0" (_AddSta (fix (/ num 1000.0)))) ) (vl-string-left-trim "0" (_AddSta (rem num 1000.0))) ) (strcat ((lambda (s) (while (< (strlen s) 5) (setq s (strcat s "0"))) s ) (vl-string-translate ",." "++" (rtos (/ num 1000.0) 2 3)) ) ((lambda (s) (if (eq s "") (setq s ".00") (while (< (strlen s) 3) (setq s (strcat s "0"))) ) s ) (vl-string-left-trim "0" (rtos (rem num 1.0) 2 2)) ) ) )) ;; Level/Chainage texts (setq glvl (rtos (/ (cadr glp) 10) 2 2) ; Ground level plvl (rtos (/ (cadr plp) 10) 2 2) ; Pipe invert level deplvl (rtos (/ (- (cadr glp) (cadr plp)) 10) 2 2) ; Depth of pipe invert ch (_AddSta (car glp)) ; Chainage ) ;; Text co-ordinates (setq psnglvl (list (- (car glp) 0.75) (+ (cadr ptgl1) 0.5)) ; co-ordinate position for ground level text psnplvl (list (- (car plp) 0.75) (+ (cadr ptinv1) 0.5)) ; co-ordinate position for pipe invert level text psndep (list (- (car plp) 0.75) (+ (cadr ptdep1) 0.5)) ; co-ordinate position for depth of pipe text psnch (list (- (car glp) 0.75) (+ (cadr ptch1) 0.5)) ; co-ordinate position for chainage text ) ;; Labelling levels and chainages (command "text" psnglvl 5.0 90.0 glvl) (command "text" psnplvl 5.0 90.0 plvl) (command "text" psndep 5.0 90.0 deplvl) (command "text" psnch 5.0 90.0 ch)); ***** HGL *****(defun C:HGL ( ) (dim) (hglslope)) (defun hglslope ( )(setq ar1 (getpoint "\nEnter LHS point :") ;User input for arrow line, ar1 ar2 (getpoint "\nEnter RHS point :")) ;User input for arrow line, ar2(setq xdiff (* (- (car ar2) (car ar1) ) 1) ydiff (/ (- (cadr ar2) (cadr ar1) ) 10) )(setq grad1 (/ ydiff xdiff))(setq hglvltxt (rtos grad1 2 3) ) (setq ar11 (list (car ar1) (cadr pthyd1)) ar21 (list (car ar2) (cadr pthyd1)))(setq ar1x (/ (+ (car ar1) (car ar2) ) 2) ar1y (/(+(cadr ptgeo1) (cadr pthyd1) ) 2))(setq ar31 (list ar1x ar1y))