Hello Lee Mac,
Sorry for the late answer, have been on a business tripp.
I have one more issue. I have 2 pop-up lists the first "Select el.motor" (mylist20) is set to "true" and the second "Select pump"(mylist21) is "false"(greyout). That I want to do is when I have make my choose in the first pop_up I want the second to be activated ("true"). Do you know how to do?.
- dimdialog5 : dialog { // Förstalabel = "Dimention drawing";: row {: boxed_radio_column {: row { // Row 1: boxed_radio_column { // Boxed_radio_column 1 label = "Size Cabinet"; key = "size"; : radio_button { // defines the Lightweight radio button label = "&Small 2D"; key = "str_s2"; // value = "1"; } : radio_button { // defines the old-style polyline radio button label = "&Medium 2D"; key = "str_m2"; } : radio_button { // defines the old-style polyline radio button label = "&Large 2D"; key = "str_l2"; } : radio_button { // defines the old-style polyline radio button label = "&Small 3D"; key = "str_s3"; } : radio_button { // defines the old-style polyline radio button label = "&Medium 3D"; key = "str_m3"; } : radio_button { // defines the old-style polyline radio button label = "&Large 3D"; key = "str_l3"; } }// Boxed_radio_column 1: boxed_radio_column { // Boxed_radio_column 2 : boxed_radio_row { label = "Parts"; key = "S2pop"; value = "0"; is_enabled = true; : boxed_radio_column { : popup_list { key = "mylist20"; label = "&Select el.motor"; fixed_width_font = true; width = 30; value = ""; is_enabled = true; } : popup_list { key = "mylist21"; label = "&Select pump"; fixed_width_font = true; width = 30; value = ""; is_enabled = false; }} : popup_list { key = "mylist7"; label = "&Select cooler"; fixed_width_font = true; width = 30; value = ""; is_enabled = true; } } : boxed_radio_row { key = "m2pop"; value = "0"; is_enabled = false; }} } : boxed_radio_row {: row { label = "Panels";: boxed_radio_column { // Boxed_radio_column 1 label = "Panel"; // defines the radio button areas key = "panel"; : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "&Inga paneler"; key = "ej_pan"; } : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "Med paneler"; key = "med_pan"; value = "1"; } : radio_button { // defines the (entmake) radio button label = "Med paneler+ljudoption"; key = "med_ljudo"; } } : column { : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "&Singelpump"; key = "sp"; value = "1"; } : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "Tandempump"; key = "tp"; } } } : row { label = "Spider"; : column { // defines the radio button areas : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "&Ingen spider"; key = "i_spid"; value = "0"; } : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "&Placering höger sida"; key = "phs"; value = "1"; } : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "&Placering vänster sida"; key = "pvs"; } } : column { : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "&Panel utsida dörr"; value = "1"; key = "pud"; } : radio_button { // defines the ActiveX radio button label = "&Panel insida dörr"; key = "pid"; } } } : boxed_radio_row { label = "&Replenishment"; : popup_list { key = "rep"; label = "&Välj"; fixed_width_font = true; width = 30; value = ""; //is_enabled = false; }}}} }: boxed_row { : button { key = "accept"; label = " Okay "; is_default = true; } : button { key = "cancel"; label = " Cancel "; is_default = false; is_cancel = true; } } } //Sista
/Dan |