I use the BUB command alot in Iso drawings. I is a hand little command that makes a line from the center of your bubble to the spot you want it then trims it off at the circle.
My problem is it sets my osmode to 0 and leaves it there at the end of the command.
I can't figure out what lisp routine this command is attached to, so I can add a set-var at the end of the routine to refresh my osmode. . . . . . .
Also I'm not sure of what text to add to accomplish this.
You would think, Right? I did too, but no. It came to not. The search came up with bub1.lsp and bub1new.lsp but neither of thes seem to be it. (I temporarly sabotaged them and BUB still worked.) So it is under some other name. I hate when peeps do that.
As an ultimate (and dirty) solution, you can make a button to:
1. Save the OSMODE sysvar
2. Call the BUB routine
3. Restore OSMODE
Unfortunately a lisp file can hold more routines. Once the file is loaded all the routines are available. And even worse: a file holding one or more lisp routines can have any name, no mater how the lisp functions are named.