There has been some talk about learning ObjectARX and what it would take. I've been interested in the idea for a while now, and so I've decided to pull together some information.
Below is the path to the Autodesk Development Center web site for ObjectARX.
From this we can see that the first thing we need to do is learn C++ or one of the other variants supported by ObjectARX. I want to concentrate on C++ because it relates to other things that I do. So as you might have guessed this means that the first part of our ObjectARX class will be to learn C++.
From this site you can also download the ObjectARX SDK. I am going to be developing for AutoCAD 2009, you will want to download the SDK for the AutoCAD version you want to develop in. The AutoCAD SDK libraries very from version to version so you probably won't need to recode when you change ACAD versions, but you will need to recompile. Unfotunately they don't have the SDKs for versions earlier then 2007 posted.
If you have already downloaded the SDK then open the Help file located in the "arxlabs" subdirectory, and look at the introduction. For the rest of you I will quote from the introduction.
I'm planning on using Visual Studio 2008 when I start coding ARX routines, but to just learn C++ there are a number of compilers and development environments, no need to spend money till we have to. Therefore, I choose to start with devcpp- I will upgrade to VisualStudio when we get past the basics. If you want to use this compiler it can be found at:
This compiler is free and was pretty well reviewed in my searches. I will add other compilers to this list if provided.
I found the C++ Language Tutorial at:
This looks like a pretty good tutorial that will give us what we need. That said I am open to suggestions as to alternitives, so long as they meet my one criteria... Free.
As for the program editor, I use Textpad. Use any editor that you feel comfortable with. I will add it to the list if you provide it.
Once we have our compiler and program editor installed we can start to really learn C++. Given that most of us have a least a little programming background we should get through the basics pretty quick.
I am hoping to post one lesson a week or so, depending on how much progress it feels like we are making. The first lesson will be the basic structure of a C++ program using the dreaded "Hello World" program, variables/data types, Constants, Operators, and Basic Input/Output. My plan is basically to follow the outline of the C++ tutorial until we feel we understand enough C++ to start writting ARX code. I figure that day is about 4-5 weeks away, though some will be faster then others, and can hopefully speed the rest of us up (Lee). I will post the first lesson sometime next weekend depending on my work load. That should allow time for those who are ready for the challenge to choose their software and install it.
If any of you out there know C++ and or ARX and would be willing to help, it would be much apprecaited.
Have a good week.
Shawndoe |