我对这段粗体代码的第一部分有问题。我在plot LISP中添加了用于打印多个副本的选项。然而,我不断得到一个错误“错误的参数类型:fixnump:”。
- (defun Laser5500 (/ myPLOLayoutList mylayout)
- (setq totcopy 1)
- [b](setq totalcopy
- (cond
- (
- (eq ""
- (setq totalcopy
- (getint
- (strcat "\nHow many copies to be printed <1>: "
- )
- )
- )
- )
- totcopy
- )
- ( totalcopy )
- )
- ) [/b]
- (EXPLO_db1_Main)
- (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
- (setq imagef (getvar "imageframe"))
- (setvar "imageframe" 2)
- (command "wipeout" "frames" "off")
- (setq mylayout (length myPLOLayoutList))
- (repeat totalcopy
- (if myPLOLayoutList
- (progn
- (setq ; Begin setq for myLayout
- myLayout (getvar "CTAB")) ; End setq for myLayout
- (foreach myLayout (reverse myPLOLayoutList)
- (command "-plot" ; Command: -plot
- "Y" ; Detailed plot configuration? [Yes/No]
- mylayout ; Layout Name
- "NP2-HPCLJ5500.pc3" ; Output Device Name
- "11x17" ; Paper Size
- "Inches" ; Paper Units
- "Landscape" ; Drawing Orientation [Portrait/Landscape]
- "No" ; Plot Upside Down? [Yes/No]
- "Extents" ; Plot Area [Display/Extents/Limits/View/Window]
- "1=1" ; Plot Scale (Plotted Inches=Drawing Units) or [Fit]
- "Center" ; Plot Offset (x,y) or [Center] <Center>
- "Yes" ; Plot Styles? [Yes/No]
- "monochrome.ctb" ; Plot Style Table Name or [?] (enter . for none)
- "Yes" ; Plot Lineweights [Yes/No]
- "No" ; Scale Lineweights [Yes/No]
- "No" ; Plot Paper Space First? [Yes/No]
- "No" ; Hide Paperspace Objects? [Yes/No]
- "No" ; Plot to a File [Yes/No]
- "No" ; Save Changes to Page Setup [Yes/No]
- "Yes") ; Proceed With Plot [Yes/No]
- )))
- )
- (setvar "imageframe" imagef)
- (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
- (princ "\n ---------------------------------------------")
- (princ (strcat "\n ------ Express Plotting - Version " PLOVerNum " ------"))
- (princ "\n ---------------------------------------------")
- (princ)
- )