发表于 2022-7-6 10:16:14
Hi guys,..
I've just read this thread...by searching some explaination about vl-load-com.
I know this is not make sence,....but it is true,
By installing TrueView, this will solve most of CAD problem.
eaven repair option do not do the trick.
So i'm a little confused about the files shared between AutoCAd and TrueView.
Also, i've noted that if you do not install TrueView, you can not open DWG in DesignReview
so now this is another undocumented Thing..
With all respect, I'Ve never received any support from AutoDESK eaven with over 300 AutoDESK network licence owner,
I found more support and skilled user in some CAD forum like this one.
cheers !
Andrea. |