I seem to remember that there have been routines posted here that can create Points with a Z-value based on Text-objects - but I can't seem to find it! Anyone remember the same thing? Anyone have any better luck at finding it?
To clairfy a bit more what I am after: I get files from landscapers with new road layouts and such and they are schock-full with Z-heights, all typed out in MText. The files themselves have no Z-values on any objects. I want to take these Z-heights and get a point set at the insertion point of the Text, at the Z-height that the Text says. Makes sense?
Like I said, I am not asking for a routine like that - I am just so sure that I have seen it somewhere so I am asking for help with the Search.
It will work for Text/MText with any alignment. It will use your current settings for CLAYER/CECOLOR/CELTYPE/THICKNESS etc, however, the code could be altered to match these settings for the selected Text items.
The work-event (with beer) was an outing with my little part of the company into the woods for a High-rope course. We climbing about 15meters up a tree and "walked" across lines, poles, wires, ladder-esque things to the next tree - and the next tree - and the next... my arms hurt today I might add.