- ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Start-Up Function;(defun C:Walls_Fences () (Walls_Fences_MF) (princ));;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Main Function;(defun Walls_Fences_MF (/ SIZE$ SIZE SUCE SUOM SUSM SUAB SUAD MIDPT PLEN PT01 PT02 a b COLR) (setq SUCE (getvar "cmdecho")) (setq SUOM (getvar "orthomode")) (setq SUSM (getvar "osmode")) (setq SUAB (getvar "angbase")) (setq SUAD (getvar "angdir")) (setq SUCL (getvar "clayer")) (setq SUCR (getvar "cecolor")) (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* ETRAP_Walls_Fences) (setq S1_list '("Existing Blockwork Wall" "Existing Concrete Post and Mesh Fence" "Existing Concrete Post and Rail Fence" "Existing Pallisade Fence" "Existing Reinforced Concrete Wall" "Existing Sod and Stone Ditch" "Existing Stone Faced Blockwork Wall" "Existing Stone Faced Reinforced Concrete Wall" "Existing Stone Wall" "Existing Timber Post and Rail Fence" "Existing Timber Post and Wire Fence" "-----------------------------------" "Proposed Blockwork Wall" "Proposed Concrete Post and Mesh Fence" "Proposed Concrete Post and Rail Fence" "Proposed Pallisade Fence" "Proposed Reinforced Concrete Wall" "Proposed Sod and Stone Ditch" "Proposed Stone Faced Blockwork Wall" "Proposed Stone Faced Reinforced Concrete Wall" "Proposed Stone Wall" "Proposed Timber Post and Rail Fence" "Proposed Timber Post and Wire Fence" ) ) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "Walls_Fences.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "Walls_Fences" dcl_id) ) (progn (ALERT "Can not find your dcl file") (exit) ) ) (start_list "S1") (mapcar 'add_list S1_list) (end_list) (if SIZE:DEF (set_tile "S1" (itoa SIZE:DEF)) ) (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)(setq userclick nil)" ) (action_tile "accept" (strcat "(progn (setq S:IZE (atoi (get_tile "S1")) SIZE:DEF S:IZE)" "(done_dialog)(setq userclick T))" ) ) (start_dialog) (unload_dialog dcl_id) (if userclick (VARIABLE_Walls_Fences) ) (princ));;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Variable Function;(defun VARIABLE_Walls_Fences () (progn (setq SIZE$ (fix S:IZE)) (setq SIZE$ (nth S:IZE S1_list)) (cond ((= SIZE$ "Existing Blockwork Wall")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Blockwork_Wall")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "31,127,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Concrete Post and Mesh Fence")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Concrete_Post_and_Mesh_Fence")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "46,255,255")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Concrete Post and Rail Fence")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Concrete_Post_and_Rail_Fence")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "0,127,255")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Pallisade Fence")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Pallisade_Fence")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "124,165,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Reinforced Concrete Wall")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Reinforced_Concrete_Wall")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "255,87,255")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Sod and Stone Ditch")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Sod_and_Stone_Ditch")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "124,0,165")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Stone Faced Blockwork Wall")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Stone_Faced_Blockwork_Wall")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "61,61,61")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Stone Faced Reinforced Concrete Wall")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Stone_Faced_Reinforced_Concrete_Wall")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "230,99,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Stone Wall")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Stone_Wall")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "3,55,99")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Timber Post and Rail Fence")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Timber_Post_and_Rail_Fence")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "97,48,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Existing Timber Post and Wire Fence")(setq SIZE$ "EXISTING_Timber_Post_and_Wire_Fence")(setq LTYP "01")(setq COLR "127,95,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Blockwork Wall")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Blockwork_Wall")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "31,127,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Concrete Post and Mesh Fence")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Concrete_Post_and_Mesh_Fence")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "46,255,255")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Concrete Post and Rail Fence")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Concrete_Post_and_Rail_Fence")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "0,127,255")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Pallisade Fence")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Pallisade_Fence")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "124,165,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Reinforced Concrete Wall")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Reinforced_Concrete_Wall")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "255,87,255")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Sod and Stone Ditch")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Sod_and_Stone_Ditch")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "124,0,165")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Stone Faced Blockwork Wall")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Stone_Faced_Blockwork_Wall")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "61,61,61")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Stone Faced Reinforced Concrete Wall")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Stone_Faced_Reinforced_Concrete_Wall")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "230,99,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Stone Wall")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Stone_Wall")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "3,55,99")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Timber Post and Rail Fence")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Timber_Post_and_Rail_Fence")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "97,48,0")) ((= SIZE$ "Proposed Timber Post and Wire Fence")(setq SIZE$ "PROPOSED_Timber_Post_and_Wire_Fence")(setq LTYP "02")(setq COLR "127,95,0")) ) ) (setq SIZE SIZE$) (OUTPUT_Walls_Fences) (princ));;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Output Function;(defun OUTPUT_Walls_Fences () (setq a (strcat "CCC_WF_"LTYP) b (strcat "CCC_LAYOUT_"SIZE) ) (if (not (tblsearch "LTYPE" a) ) (command "_.-linetype" "_l" a "CCC_Walls_Fences.lin" "") ) (command "_.-layer" "_N" b "_M" b "_L" a b "_C" "_T" COLR b "_LW" "0.6" b "" ) (command "_-color" "bylayer") (command "._-linetype" "s" "bylayer" "") (setvar "angbase" 0.0000) (setvar "angdir" 0) (setvar "orthomode" 0) (setvar "osmode" 16383) (setvar "plinegen" 1) (setvar "osmode" 0) (command "_.pline") (setvar "osmode" 16383)) (setq *error* temperr) (setvar "cmdecho" SUCE) (setvar "orthomode" SUOM) (setvar "osmode" SUSM) (setvar "angbase" SUAB) (setvar "angdir" SUAD) (setvar "clayer" SUCL) (setvar "cecolor" SUCR) (princ));;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Error Trap Function;(defun ETRAP_Walls_Fences (errmsg) (command nil nil nil) (if (not (member errmsg '("console break" "Function Cancelled")) ) (princ (strcat "\nError:" errmsg)) ) (setvar "cmdecho" SUCE) (setvar "orthomode" SUOM) (setvar "osmode" SUSM) (setvar "angbase" SUAB) (setvar "angdir" SUAD) (princ "\nError, Restoring Variables.") (terpri) (setq *error* temperr) (princ));;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Walls_Fences : dialog { //*dialog name label = "Walls and Fences"; //*give it a label: row { //*define row : paragraph { //*define paragraph : text_part { //*define more text label = " "; //*some more text } //*end text } //*end paragraph } //*end row : row { //*define row : boxed_column { //*define boxex_column label = "Choose a Type"; //*give it a label : popup_list { //*define popup_list key = "S1"; //*give it a name label = "Size"; //*give it a label edit_width=40; //*edit_width alignment = right; //*alignment } //*end popup_list : spacer { //*define spacer height = 0; //*height } //*end spacer } //*end boxed_column } //*end row : row { //*define row : column { //*define column ok_cancel ; //*predifined OK/Cancel : paragraph { //*define paragraph : text_part { //*define more text label = "CCC NNRDO v1."; //*some more text } //*end text } //*end paragraph } //*end column } //*end row } //*end dialog