- ;original coding taken from Pipe.lsp, created by Tim Wilson (9.11.95, revised 6.22.97)
- ;modified by alan thompson (11.18.08) for use at Capital Engineering and Surveying, Inc.
- ; 1. created 2 routines (SSD & PSD)
- ; a. SSD will create an existing (Survey) storm pipe on the "V-STRM-PIPE" layer with a hidden2 linetype.
- ; (if layer and/or linetype do not exist, they are created/loaded)
- ; b. PSD will create a proposed (Engineering) storm pipe on the "C-STRM-PIPE" layer with a continuous linetype.
- ; (if layer and/or linetype do not exist, they are created/loaded)
- ; 2. added error handler
- ; 3. removed unnecessary code, formatted and cleaned up code
- ; 4. localized subroutines
- ;thank you Tim Wilson for the borrowed coding.
- ;;Survey STORM
- (defun C:SSD (/ *error* DTR PNT1 PNT2 D D2 A ET HD L1 L2 L3 L4 OTM c_layer my_linfile my_layer my_color my_ltype )
- (vl-load-com)
- ;;;;;SUB ROUTINES;;;;;
- (defun *error* (msg)
- msg
- (setvar "clayer" c_layer)
- (setvar "orthomode" OTM)
- );defun
- (defun DTR (a)
- (* PI (/ A 180.0))
- )
- ;;;;;MAIN ROUTINE;;;;;
- (setq my_linfile "CES.lin") ;linetype file to reference (if using default acad.lin, set as: nil)
- (setq my_layer "V-STRM-PIPE") ;layer to use
- (setq my_color 172) ;color to use
- (setq my_ltype "hidden2") ;linetype to use
- (setq c_layer (getvar "clayer"))
- (setq OTM (getvar "orthomode"))
- (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
- (setvar "orthomode" 0)
- (if (and
- (not (= my_linfile nil))
- (findfile my_linfile)
- (not (tblsearch "ltype" my_ltype))
- );and
- (vl-cmdf "_.linetype" "_l" my_ltype my_linfile "")
- );if
- (if (and
- (setq PNT1 (getpoint "\nPick Start of Pipe: "))
- (setq PNT2 (getpoint pnt1 "\nPick End of Pipe: "))
- (setq D (getdist "\nEnter Pipe Width: ")) ;In INCHES IE 24", 30", 42" SO ON
- );and
- (progn
- (if (tblsearch "layer" my_layer)
- (vl-cmdf "_.layer" "_t" my_layer "_m" my_layer "_c" my_color my_layer "_lt" my_ltype my_layer "")
- (vl-cmdf "_.layer" "_m" my_layer "_c" my_color my_layer "_lt" my_ltype my_layer "")
- );if
- (setq D2 (/ D 12))
- (SETQ D D2)
- (while Pnt2
- (setq HD (/ D 2))
- (setq A (angle PNT1 PNT2))
- (setq ET (entlast))
- (setq L1 (polar pnt1 (- a (dtr 90)) HD))
- (setq L2 (polar pnt2 (- a (dtr 90)) HD))
- (setq L3 (polar pnt1 (+ a (dtr 90)) HD))
- (setq L4 (polar pnt2 (+ a (dtr 90)) HD))
- (vl-cmdf "_.line" "_non" L1 "_non" L2 "" "_.line" "_non" L3 "_non" L4 "")
- (setq PNT1 PNT2)
- (setq PNT2 (getpoint PNT1 "\nNext Point: <Return or Enter to Quit> "))
- );while
- (setvar "clayer" c_layer)
- (setvar "orthomode" OTM)
- );progn
- );if
- (princ)
- );defun
- ;;Proposed STORM
- (defun C:PSD (/ *error DTR PNT1 PNT2 D D2 A ET HD L1 L2 L3 L4 OTM c_layer my_linfile my_layer my_color my_ltype my_ltype_mid )
- (vl-load-com)
- ;;;;;SUB ROUTINES;;;;;
- (defun *error* (msg)
- msg
- (setvar "clayer" c_layer)
- (setvar "orthomode" OTM)
- );defun
- (defun DTR (a)
- (* PI (/ A 180.0))
- )
- ;;;;;MAIN ROUTINE;;;;;
- (setq my_linfile nil) ;linetype file to reference (if using default acad.lin, set as: nil)
- (setq my_layer "C-STRM-PIPE") ;layer to use
- (setq my_color 2) ;color to use
- (setq my_ltype "continuous") ;linetype to use for exterior lines
- (setq my_ltype_mid "hidden") ;linetype to use for interior line (pline with width of pipe)
- (setq c_layer (getvar "clayer"))
- (setq OTM (getvar "orthomode"))
- (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
- (setvar "orthomode" 0)
- ;load my_ltype
- (if (and
- (not (= my_linfile nil))
- (findfile my_linfile)
- (not (tblsearch "ltype" my_ltype))
- );and
- (vl-cmdf "_.linetype" "_l" my_ltype my_linfile "")
- );if
- ;load my_ltype_mid
- (if (and
- (not (= my_linfile nil))
- (findfile my_linfile)
- (not (tblsearch "ltype" my_ltype_mid))
- );and