;adapted from code from Jeffery P. Sanders(defun C:GA() ;turn the system echo off (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ;UNITS AND PRECISION (setvar "LUPREC" 0) (setvar "LUNITS" 2) (setvar "mtextcolumn" 0) ;layer settings(if(not(tblsearch "layer" "A-FLOOR-IDEN"))(command "-layer" "m" "A-FLOOR-IDEN" "C" "GREEN" "A-FLOOR-IDEN" "")())(if(not(tblsearch "layer" "A-ANNO-NOTE"))(command "-layer" "m" "A-ANNO-NOTE" "C" "8" "A-ANNO-NOTE" "")())(if(not(tblsearch "layer" "A-AREA-IDEN"))(command "-layer" "m" "A-AREA-IDEN" "C" "YELLOW" "A-AREA-IDEN" "")()) ;set up a variable to hold the area (while T (setq myArea 0) (setq SpaceType 0) ;select one object (setq ent(entsel)) (if (car ent) (progn ;find the area of the polyline (command "area" "Object" (car ent)) (setq x (getvar "Area")) (if(setq pt1(getpoint "\n Insertion Point: ")) (progn(SETVAR "CLAYER" "A-FLOOR-IDEN") ;SETS AREA in Square foot TEXT LAYER CLAYER VARIABLE TO A-FLOOR-IDEN(command "mtext" pt1 "@6,0" (strcat (rtos x 2 2) " sq ft")"") (SETVAR "CLAYER" "A-ANNO-NOTE") ;SETS OFFICE TYPE TEXT LAYER CLAYER VARIABLE TO A-ANNO-NOTE(setq SpaceType(getstring T "\n Enter Space Type ")) (command "mtext" (polar pt1 (* pi 1.5) (* 1.5 (getvar "textsize"))) "@6,0" (strcat SpaceType)"")(SETVAR "CLAYER" "A-AREA-IDEN") ;SETS OFFICE TYPE TEXT LAYER CLAYER VARIABLE TO A-AREA-IDEN(setq n (+ n 1))(command "mtext" (polar pt1 (* pi 1.5) (* -1.5 (getvar "textsize"))) "@6,0" (strcat (rtos n 2 0))"") ) ) ;close the if progn for point selection ) ;close the if ) ;close the if progn for object selection ;close the if progn for space type ;close the if progn for room # ) ;close the if statement) ; ends repeat ;reset the system echo variable (setvar "cmdecho" 1) ;supress the last echo (princ)