使用道具 举报
;****************************************************************************************************; Written By: Peter Jamtgaard copr 2009; Function for transforming a point from block object coordinate system to a world coordinate system.; It handles non uniform scaled blocks; Syntax: (TranslateWorldToObject <block object> <point in world>); Syntax (TranslateObjectToWorld <block object> <point inside block>); Returns point in World;****************************************************************************************************(defun TranslateObjectToWorld (objBlock ; Block object lstPointInBlock ; Coordinates of point (RELATIVE TO BASE POINT) ; inside the block / lstInsertion ; Insertion Point of Block lstPoint ; List Point of return translate coordinates lstPointInWorld ; Coordinates of point inside the WorldCS sngTheta ; Rotation angle of Block varReturn ; Variant return of translate coordinates )(if (not objDocument)(setq objDocument (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))(setq lstInsertion (vlax-get objBlock "insertionpoint") sngTheta (vla-get-rotation objBlock) lstPointInBlock (list (* (vla-get-XEffectiveScaleFactor objBlock) (+ (* (cos sngTheta) (car lstPointInBlock)) (* -1 (sin sngTheta) (cadr lstPointInBlock)))) (* (vla-get-YEffectiveScaleFactor objBlock) (+ (* (sin sngTheta) (car lstPointInBlock)) (* (cos sngTheta) (cadr lstPointInBlock)))) (* (vla-get-ZEffectiveScaleFactor objBlock) (caddr lstPointInBlock))) varReturn (vla-translateCoordinates (vla-get-utility objDocument) (vlax-3d-point lstPointInBlock) acOCS acWorld :vlax-false (vla-get-normal objBlock)) lstPointInWorld (mapcar '+ lstInsertion (vlax-safearray->list (variant-value varReturn)))));****************************************************************************************************; Written By: Peter Jamtgaard copr 2009; Function for transforming a point from block object coordinate system to a world coordinate system.; It handles non uniform scaled blocks; Syntax: (TranslateWorldToObject <block object> <point in world>); Syntax (TranslateObjectToWorld <block object> <point inside block>); Returns point in World;****************************************************************************************************(defun TranslateObjectToWorld1 (objBlock ; Block object lstPointInBlock ; Coordinates of point (RELATIVE TO BASE POINT); inside the block / lstInsertion ; Insertion Point of Block lstPoint ; List Point of return translate coordinates lstPointInWorld ; Coordinates of point inside the WorldCS sngTheta ; Rotation angle of Block varReturn ; Variant return of translate coordinates toMirror ; State of mirrored block (by Irn?) ) (if (not objDocument) (setq objDocument (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object) ) ) ) ;; By Irn?: Check if block's mirrored & create an "unmirrored" block about the Y axis. (if (setq toMirror (< (vla-get-XEffectiveScaleFactor objBlock) 0.0)) (setq objBlock (vlax-invoke objBlock 'Mirror '(0.0 0.0 0.0) '(0.0 1.0 0.0))) ) (setq lstInsertion (vlax-get objBlock "insertionpoint") sngTheta (vla-get-rotation objBlock) lstPointInBlock (list (* (vla-get-XEffectiveScaleFactor objBlock) (+ (* (cos sngTheta) (car lstPointInBlock)) (* -1 (sin sngTheta) (cadr lstPointInBlock)) ) ) (* (vla-get-YEffectiveScaleFactor objBlock) (+ (* (sin sngTheta) (car lstPointInBlock)) (* (cos sngTheta) (cadr lstPointInBlock)) ) ) (* (vla-get-ZEffectiveScaleFactor objBlock) (caddr lstPointInBlock) ) ) varReturn (vla-translateCoordinates (vla-get-utility objDocument ) (vlax-3d-point lstPointInBlock) acOCS acWorld :vlax-false (vla-get-normal objBlock) ) lstPointInWorld (mapcar '+ lstInsertion (vlax-safearray->list (variant-value varReturn)) ) ) ;; By Irn?: Check if block was "unmirrored" (if toMirror (progn (vla-Delete objBlock) ;Erase the temporary "unmirored" block. (trans lstPointInWorld '(0.0 0.0 -1.0) 0) ;Translate the "unmirored" point as mirrored about the Y axis ) lstPointInWorld ;If not mirrored, just send calculated point ))(defun c:Pt2WCS-test (/ ss eo pts pt)