发表于 2022-7-6 10:08:27
Sorry, I don't do piping that often. But I do understand the concept. The % slope basically gives you the tan of the angle: I.e. Y/X. So a 2% slope = 0.02 = 2 / 100. If the centre-line-length is simply the X, this would be very easy: length * (slope / 100) ... thus in lisp (* length (/ slope 100)).
If the centre line length is the "already" sloped length, I'm assuming you mean it's the length of pipe as installed (not dimension on plan). Thus it would be the R in the calculation ... uhm, to try and remember trigonometry ... that means you've got R and the tan's value. Now you need to obtain the sin to get hold of the Y from the R. So: Length * Sin (ATan (Slope / 100)) ... or again in lisp: (* Length (Sin (ATan (/ Slope 100)))).
This then gives you a positive value of Y. I.e. you've got the level difference between the 2 endpoints of the pipe. Then you simply need to add or subtract from one end's level (depending on direction of fall). |