I have this old dimstyle program I created the uses a list of names to choose the arrowhead. These are set to one variable through a conditional. Once a arrow style is chosen, I use (setvar "DIMLDRBLK" ARWSTYLE) with that variable.
See example below:
- (progn (setq ARWSTYLE (fix ARWSTYLE)) (setq ARWSTYLE (nth ARWSTYLE ARS_LST)) (cond ((= ARWSTYLE "Architectural Tick") (setq ARWSTYLE "_ARCHTICK")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Box") (setq ARWSTYLE "_BOXBLANK")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Box Filled") (setq ARWSTYLE "_BOXFILLED")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Closed") (setq ARWSTYLE "_CLOSED")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Closed Blank") (setq ARWSTYLE "_CLOSEDBLANK")) [color=red][b]((= ARWSTYLE "Closed Filled") (setq ARWSTYLE "."))[/b][/color] ((= ARWSTYLE "Datum Triangle") (setq ARWSTYLE "_DATUMBLANK")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Datum Triangle Filled")(setq ARWSTYLE "_DATUMFILLED")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Dot") (setq ARWSTYLE "_DOT")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Dot Blank") (setq ARWSTYLE "_DOTBLANK")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Dot Small") (setq ARWSTYLE "_DOTSMALL")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Dot Small Blank") (setq ARWSTYLE "_SMALL")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Integral") (setq ARWSTYLE "_INTEGRAL")) ((= ARWSTYLE "None") (setq ARWSTYLE "_NONE")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Oblique") (setq ARWSTYLE "_OBLIQUE")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Open") (setq ARWSTYLE "_OPEN")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Open 30") (setq ARWSTYLE "_OPEN30")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Origin Indicator") (setq ARWSTYLE "_ORIGIN")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Origin Indicator 2") (setq ARWSTYLE "_ORIGIN2")) ((= ARWSTYLE "Right Angle") (setq ARWSTYLE "_OPEN90")) ) ) [b][color=red](setvar "DIMLDRBLK" ARWSTYLE)[/color][/b]
You could try maybe using (command "._dim" "DIMLDRBLK" ".") although I am not sure. I think the period might work in your case.
Or (setvar "DIMLDRBLK" ".") which I know will work.
From AutoCAD Help Section:
Type: String
Saved in: Drawing
Initial value: ""
Specifies the arrow type for leaders. To return to the default, closed-filled arrowhead display, enter a single period (.). For a list of arrowhead entries, see DIMBLK. |