;create a temp DCL multi-select list dialog from provided list
;value is returned in list form, DCL file is deleted when finished
;example: (setq the_list (AT:listselect "This is my list title" "Select items to make a list" "25" "30" "true" (list "object 1" "object 2" "object 3"))
;if mytitle is longer than defined width, the width will be ignored and it will fit to title string
;if mylabel is longer than defined width, mylabel will be truncated
;myheight and mywidth must be strings, not numbers
;mymultiselect must either be "true" or "false" (true for multi, false for single)
;created by: alan thompson, 9.23.08
;some coding borrowed from http://www.jefferypsanders.com (thanks for the DCL examples)
(defun AT:ListSelect (mytitle ;title for dialog box
mylabel ;label right above list box
myheight ;height of dialog box !!*MUST BE STRING*!!
mywidth ;width of dialog box !!*MUST BE STRING*!!
mymultiselect ;"true" for multiselect, "false" for single select