使用道具 举报
;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Start-Up.;(defun C:ANSI37 (/ CL01 CL02 RAD# DEG# PT01 PT02 PT03 PT04 DLEN E01 CPS SUS HPRP HSCL HWID HANG LNAM LCLR LTYP) (ANSI37_SUS) (princ))(princ "\nANSI37.lsp loaded... Type ANSI37 to start.");;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Save User Settings.;(defun ANSI37_SUS () (setq SUS_LST (list "cmdecho" "orthomode" "osmode" "blipmode" "angbase" "angdir" "aunits" "clayer") SUS (mapcar 'getvar SUS_LST) TERR *error* *error* ANSI37_ET) (ANSI37_MF) (princ));;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Main Function.;(defun ANSI37_MF ()[color=red] (or H:WID (setq H:WID 12)) ;Defualt Hatch Width = 12[/color][color=red] (setq HPRP "ANSI37" ;Default Hatch Pattern = ANSI37[/color][color=red] HSCL 32 ;Default Hatch Scale = 32[/color][color=red] HANG 180 ;Default Hatch Angle = 0°[/color][color=red] LNAM "DUCT-HA" ;Default Layer Name = DUCT-HA[/color][color=red] LCLR 1 ;Default Layer Color = 1 or RED[/color][color=red] LTYP "Continuous") ;Default Layer Linetype = Continuous[/color] (setq H:WID ;Set the hatch width (cond ;Condition ((getint (strcat "\nSpecify hatch width. <"(itoa H:WID)">: ")))(T H:WID))) ;Get the hatch width (setq HWID H:WID) ;Set the Hatch Width (setvar "osmode" (nth 2 SUS)) ;Turn on Saved User Snaps (setq CL01 (getpoint "\nSpecify first point along duct: ")) ;Get the first point (while ;While loop (if (/= (setq CL02 (getpoint CL01 "\nSpecify next point along duct: ")) nil) ;Get the next point, if the next point is nil, Go to the Loop Function (progn ;Then do the following (ANSI37_CPS) ;Go to Change Program Settings Function (setq RAD# (angle CL01 CL02) ;Get the angle in radians DEG# (ANSI37_RTD RAD#) ;Convert the radians to degrees DLEN (distance CL01 CL02) ;Get the distance from first point to the next point CL01 (trans CL01 1 0) ;Translate coordinate system CL02 (trans CL02 1 0) ;Translate coordinate system PT01 CL01 ;Calculate Point 01 PT02 (polar PT01 (ANSI37_DTR (+ DEG# 0)) DLEN) ;Calculate Point 02 PT03 (polar PT01 (ANSI37_DTR (+ DEG# 270)) HWID) ;Calculate Point 03 PT04 (polar PT02 (ANSI37_DTR (+ DEG# 270)) HWID)) ;Calculate Point 04 (ANSI37_ML LNAM LCLR LTYP) ;Set layer name, color, linetype (setvar "clayer" LNAM) ;Set layer current (setvar "osmode" 0) ;Turn off snaps (command "._pline" PT01 PT02 PT04 PT03 "C") ;Start Polyline command for hatch perimeter (setq E01 (entlast)) ;Set polyline as last entity to E01 (command "._-bhatch" "_a" "_a" "_y" "" "_p" HPRP HSCL HANG "_s" "_l" "" "") ;Start Hatch command and fill the polyline (command "._erase" E01 "") ;Erase entity E01 or the polyline perimeter (setvar "osmode" (nth 2 SUS)) ;Turn on Saved User Snaps (setq CL01 CL02)))) ;Set the next point to the first point (ANSI37_LF) ;Go to the Loop Function (princ)) ;Exit quietly;;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Loop Function.;(defun ANSI37_LF () (setq LOOP "Y") ;Default Loop Y or Yes (initget "Y N") ;Set the keywords (setq LOOP ;Set variable LOOP (cond ;Condition ((getkword (strcat "\nContinue? [Y or N] <"LOOP">: ")))(T LOOP))) ;Do you wish to continue? Y or N (cond ;Condition ((= LOOP "N")(ANSI37_RUS)) ;If N or No was selected go to ANSI37_RUS, Restore User Settings function ((= LOOP "Y")(ANSI37_MF))) ;If Y or Yes was selected go to HLIN_MF, Main Function (princ)) ;Exit quietly;;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Degrees To Radians.;(defun ANSI37_DTR (DEG#)(* pi (/ DEG# 180.0))) ;Convert degrees to radians;;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Radians To Degrees.;(defun ANSI37_RTD (RAD#)(* 180.0 (/ RAD# pi))) ;Convert radiand to degrees;;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Make Layer.;(defun ANSI37_ML (L:NAM L:CLR L:TYP) (if (null (tblsearch "layer" L:NAM)) (entmake (list (cons 0 "LAYER") (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord") (cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord") (cons 2 L:NAM) (cons 70 0) (cons 62 L:CLR) (cons 6 L:TYP) (cons 290 1)))) (princ))(princ);;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; Change Program Settings.;(defun ANSI37_CPS () (setq CPS (list 0 1 0 0 0 0))