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[编程交流] Continuing on Autocad & Python









Rank: 1

发表于 2022-7-6 10:45:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
"""Sample to automate AutoCAD:
    1) run an autocad drawing
    2) read some drawing data:
        number of objects in the ModelSpace;
        the value of an AutoCAD system variable;
    2) add to the drawing:
In this code some examples of access to Autocad objects are presented.
We must handle variants used to pass array data in and out
of AutoCAD COM. Different variant types are possible using comtypes
(this is not true with win32com.client package).
This example should be improved especially in the user interface.
Who wants to participate?
import array
import comtypes.client
#Get running instance of the AutoCAD application
acad = comtypes.client.GetActiveObject("AutoCAD.Application")
# Document object
doc = acad.ActiveDocument   
# Get the ModelSpace object
ms = doc.ModelSpace
# Get some useful data
DwgName = doc.Name # File name
count = ms.Count    # Number of items in modelspace
# Get a variable name
sysVarName = 'DWGPREFIX' # directory of the drawing
varData = doc.GetVariable(sysVarName)
# view in Idle
print 'File: ', DwgName
print 'N. Items: ', count
# >>>>                In ModelSpace:
#        Add a POINT object
# Sets the value of an AutoCAD system variable.
# PDMODE and PDSIZE system variables control the appearance of point objects
sysVarName = "PDMODE"  # specifies a Point shape
doc.SetVariable(sysVarName,3) # code 3 for X shape
sysVarName = "PDSIZE"  # controls the size of the point
doc.SetVariable(sysVarName,3) # absolute size (3 units half height of icon point)
pt = array.array('d', [0,0,0]) # to convert in variant
point = ms.AddPoint(pt)
#        Add a LINE
pt1 = array.array('d', [0.0,0.0,0]) # start point
pt2 = array.array('d', [20.0,20.0,0]) # end point
line = ms.AddLine(pt1, pt2)
#        Add a POLYLINE
# We assign the vertices
ptl = []
pt = [20.0,20.0,0]
ptl = ptl + pt
pt = [40.0,30.0,0]
ptl = ptl + pt
pt = [70.0,40.0,0]
ptl = ptl + pt
ptlst = array.array('d', ptl)
pline = ms.AddPolyline(ptlst)
#       Select an item
# The user selects an object (the polyline) by picking a point on the screen
returnObj = doc.Utility.GetEntity("Select Object:")
"""Each entity in autocad has a unique value.
    Ex. for a line object the ObjectName is AcDbLine and the EntityType value is 19 """
# common code for line, polyline
print 'DXF entity name: ', returnObj[0].EntityName # it is the class name of the object
print returnObj[0].EntityType # the type of entity  
print returnObj[0].Layer
print returnObj[0].Length  
# only polyline
retCoord = returnObj[0].Coordinates
num_vertex = len(retCoord)/3
for i in range(num_vertex):
    print returnObj[0].Coordinate(i)
print ">>>>>>>>>>"

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