- Panel : dialog { //dialog name
- label = "Insert Panels"; //dialog label
- :boxed_radio_column { //define radio column
- label = "Panel" ; //give it a label
- : radio_button { //define radion button
- key = "p1" ; //give it a name
- label = "1" ; //give it a label
- value = "1" ;
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radio button
- key = "p2" ; //give it a name
- label = "2" ;
- //give it a label
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radio button
- key = "p3" ; //give it a name
- label = "3" ;
- //give it a label
- } //end definition
- : radio_button { //define radio button
- key = "p4" ; //give it a name
- label = "4" ;
- //give it a label
- }
- }
- : button
- {
- key = "accept";
- label = "INSERT";
- is_default = true;
- fixed_width = true;
- alignment = centered;
- }
- : row { //define row
- : image { //define image tile
- key = "im" ; //give it a name
- height = 1.0 ; //and a height
- width = 3.0 ; //and now a width
- } //end image
- : paragraph { //define paragraph
- : text_part { //define text
- label = "Created by Reid Booe"; //give it some text
- }
- } //end paragraph
- } //end row
- } //end dialog
- (defun C:test ( )
- (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "Panel.dcl"))
- (if (not (new_dialog "Panel" dcl_id))
- (exit)
- );if
- (setq w (dimx_tile "im") ;get image tile width
- h (dimy_tile "im") ;get image tile height
- );setq
- (start_image "im") ;start the image
- (fill_image 0 0 w h 5) ;fill it with blue
- (end_image) ;end image
- (action_tile "p1" "(setq panel "1")") ;store hole type
- (action_tile "p2" "(setq panel "2")") ;store hole type
- (action_tile "p3" "(setq panel "3")") ;store hole type
- (action_tile "p4" "(setq panel "4")") ;store hole type
- (action_tile "accept"
- "(done_dialog)"
- );action_tile
- (start_dialog)
- (unload_dialog dcl_id)
- (command "_insert" panel pause "" "" pause)
- (princ)