- (defun C:samp6()
- ;;;--- Load the dcl file
- (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "samp6.dcl"))
- ;;;--- Load the dialog definition if it is not already loaded
- (if (not (new_dialog "samp6" dcl_id))
- (progn
- (alert "The samp6.DCL file could not be loaded!")
- (exit)
- )
- )
- ;;;--- If an action event occurs, do this function
- (action_tile "cancel" "(setq ddiag 1)(done_dialog)")
- (action_tile "accept" "(setq ddiag 2)(done_dialog)")
- ;;;--- Display the dialog box
- (start_dialog)
- ;;;--- Unload the dialog box
- (unload_dialog dcl_id)
- ;;;--- If the cancel button was pressed - display message
- (if (= ddiag 1)
- (princ "\n \n ...samp6 Cancelled. \n ")
- )
- ;;;--- If the "Okay" button was pressed
- (if (= ddiag 2)
- (if(= radios "choice1")
- (progn
- (setq pt(getpoint "\n Center point: "))
- (command "circle" pt pause)
- )
- ;;;--- Else draw a sphere
- (progn
- (setq pt(getpoint "\n Center Point: "))
- (command "_sphere" pt pause)
- )
- )
- )
- ;;;--- Suppress the last echo for a clean exit
- (princ)
- )