- Type: String
- Saved in: Drawing
- Initial value: ""
- Sets the arrowhead block displayed at the ends of dimension lines or leader lines. To return to the default, closed-filled arrowhead display, enter a single period (.). Arrowhead block entries and the names used to select them in the New, Modify and Override Dimension Style dialog boxes are shown below. You can also enter the names of user-defined arrowhead blocks.
- "" closed filled
- "_DOT" dot
- "_DOTSMALL" dot small
- "_DOTBLANK" dot blank
- "_ORIGIN" origin indicator
- "_ORIGIN2" origin indicator 2
- "_OPEN" open
- "_OPEN90" right angle
- "_OPEN30" open 30
- "_CLOSED" closed
- "_SMALL" dot small blank
- "_NONE" none
- "_OBLIQUE" oblique
- "_BOXFILLED" box filled
- "_BOXBLANK" box
- "_CLOSEDBLANK" closed blank
- "_DATUMFILLED" datum triangle filled
- "_DATUMBLANK" datum triangle
- "_INTEGRAL" integral
- "_ARCHTICK" architectural tick