;;local defun;;helper method to group a list of items by their tags(defun group-by-car (lst);;ensure that the list is not empty(if lst(cons(vl-remove-if-not;;this is a lambda function to compare the equality of the tags(function (lambda (x)(equal (car x) (caar lst) 0.00001)))lst);;recursive call to group a sublist(group-by-car(vl-remove-if(function (lambda (x)(equal (car x) (caar lst) 0.00001)))lst)))));;main program;;define the main function, localize all variables.(defun C:SUMTABLE (/ acsp att atts block_obj data en ent_list itemmatch_list pt sset tag tags tmp);;look for block(if (not (tblsearch "block" "GKW_Totaal"))(progn;;if it is not found, alert user and exit program(alert "Block "GKW_Totaal" does not exist. Exit program.")(exit)(princ)))(setq acsp (vla-get-block ;;get the block representation of the layout(vla-get-activelayout ;;get the current layout(vla-get-activedocument ;;get the current drawing(vlax-get-acad-object)))) ;;get AutoCAD application);;create a list to match attribute tags(setq match_list (list "GKW" "FLOW" "KPA"));;get a selection set of all blocks with attributes(setq sset (ssget (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 66 1))));;start to loop through selection set(while (setq en (ssname sset 0));;add current entity to a list of entities(setq ent_list (cons en ent_list));;get the first attribute from the entity(setq att (entnext en));;start while loop through attributes in the block(while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget att))) "SEQEND");;if there is an attribute(if (and att;;AND its tag is in the list of tags to match(member (setq tag (cdr (assoc 2 (entget att)))) match_list));;then get the value from the tag and place into a dotted pair list(setq tags (cons (cons tag (cdr (assoc 1 (entget att)))) tags)));;get the next attribute(setq att (entnext att)));;deletes an entity from the current selection set(ssdel en sset));;loop through each pair of dotted pairs in the tags list(foreach item (group-by-car tags);;if the tag is KPA...(if (eq (caar item) "KPA");;get the maximum for KPA(setq tmp (list (caar item)(vl-princ-to-string (apply 'max (mapcar 'atof (mapcar 'cdr item))))));;otherwise, sum all other values together(setq tmp (list (caar item)(vl-princ-to-string (apply '+ (mapcar 'atof (mapcar 'cdr item)))))));;NOTE: mapcar is used to apply a function to a list of items. The function is applied;;to every item in the list. atof will turn a string into a real number;;add the computed values to a list(setq data (cons tmp data)));;turn all values into strings, rtos is used to accomplish this(setq data (mapcar (function (lambda(x)(cons (car x)(rtos (atoi (cadr x)) 2 0))))data));;prompt user for an insertion point(setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify insertion point of the block: "));;insert a block with a scale of 1 and rotation of 0(setq block_obj (vlax-invoke acsp 'Insertblock pt "GKW_Totaal" 1 1 1 0));;get the attributes for the inserted block(setq atts (vlax-invoke block_obj 'GetAttributes));;loop through the attributes in the inserted block(foreach att atts;;if the tag for the attribute is found...(if (setq item (assoc (vla-get-tagstring att) data));;put the value into the attribute(vla-put-textstring att (cdr item))));;silent exit(princ));;inform the user how to start the program(prompt "\n\t\t***\tType SUMTABLE to execute\t***")(prin1);;load VL* functions(vl-load-com)
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