Establishes limitations on the user responses allowed by the next get- function
(initget 1) null input not allowed ("null input" means 'Enter' by itself)
(initget 2) 0 input not allowed
(initget 3) null input and 0 input not allowed (3 = 1 + 2)
(initget 4) negative values not allowed
(initget 5) null input and negative values not allowed (5 = 1 + 4)
(initget 6) 0 input and negative values not allowed (6 = 2 + 4)
(initget 7) null input, 0 input, and negative values not allowed (7 = 1 + 2 + 4)
(initget cancels limits check
(initget 16) (not used)
(initget 32) causes get- functions that include a base point to display a rubber band cursor or window that is highlighted rather than solid
(initget 64) Z coordinate not allowed in next getdist function
(initget 128) allows arbitrary input (accepts any "key word")
(initget "A B C") allows the user to enter "A" "B" "C" "a" "b" or "c" in response to the next get- function (in addition, of course, to the possibility of entering an integer if the next get- function is getint, a real if it is getreal, etc.) Subsequent programming must be set up to handle these strings.