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[编程交流] 如何在ss中使用过滤器









Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20

发表于 2022-7-6 11:11:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(ssget(list(cons 0“TEXT”));;它正在工作
(ssget(列表(cons 0“TEXT”)(cons 0“MEXT”)(cons 0“DIMENSION”))

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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2022-7-6 11:55:54 | 显示全部楼层
  1. (ssget (list (cons 0 "TEXT,MTEXT")))


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Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20

发表于 2022-7-6 12:39:17 | 显示全部楼层
  1. SSGET
  2. the underscore (_) is needed with W, F, WP, :S but not with X, A, C, CP, I, L, P, :E ...
  3. (ssget '(2 2))
  4. Create a selection set of the object passing through (2,2):
  6. +.  The undocumented “+.” mode forces (ssget) to remain in “point” mode, similar to
  7.    setting PickAuto to 0.... the "+." puts (ssget) into "point" mode. It helps the ":S"
  8.    single-mode act just like (entsel) by avoiding implied selection windows.
  9. A  All like "X" but filters frozen out
  10.   Selects all objects on thawed layers.
  11. B  Box
  12.   Selects all objects inside or crossing a rectangle specified by two points. If
  13.   the rectangle's points are specified from right to left, Box is equivalent to
  14.   Crossing. Otherwise, Box is equivalent to Window.
  15. C  Crossing  Simular to Window selection
  16.   Selects objects within and crossing an area defined by two points. A crossing
  17.   selection is displayed as dashed or otherwise highlighted to differentiate it
  18.   from window selection. Specifying the corners from right to left creates a
  19.   crossing selection. *** (Specifying the corners from left to right creates a window
  20.   selection.)  (ssget "_C" '(0 0) '(1 1))
  21.   Caution: the area must be on the screen for this to work properly - CAB
  23. CP Crossing Polygon
  24.   Selects objects within and crossing a polygon defined by specifying points. The
  25.   polygon can be any shape but cannot cross or touch itself. AutoCAD draws the
  26.   last segment of the polygon so that it is closed at all times. CPolygon is not
  27.   affected by the PICKADD system variable.
  28.   (ssget "_CP" '((1 1)(3 1)(5 2)(2 4)))
  29.   Example with filters (ssget "_CP" '(Point list) '(Filter List))
  30.   (setq ss (ssget "_CP" '((0 0)(10 0)(10 10)(0 10)) '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1))  ))
  31.   Caution: the area must be on the screen for this to work properly - CAB
  32.   (vl-cmdf "._zoom" "_E") ; Extents
  34. Duplicates OK, else duplicates are ignored
  35. :E Everything in aperture
  36.   Everything within the cursor's object selection pickbox.
  37. F Fence
  38. Selects all objects crossing a selection fence. The Fence method is similar to
  39. CPolygon except that AutoCAD does not close the fence, and a fence can cross
  40. itself. Fence is not affected by the PICKADD system variable.
  41. G Groups
  42. Selects all objects within a specified group.
  43. I Implied
  44. Implied selection (objects selected while PICKFIRST is in effect).
  45. L Last
  46. Last visible object added to the database
  47. :L Rejects locked layers
  48. M  Multiple
  49.   Specifies multiple points without highlighting the objects, thus speeding up
  50.   the selection process for complex objects. The Multiple method also selects two
  51.   intersecting objects if the intersection point is specified twice.
  52. :N Nested
  53.   Call ssnamex for additional information on container blocks and transformation
  54.   matrices for any entities selected during the ssget operation. This additional
  55.   information is available only for entities selected via graphical selection
  56.   methods such as Window, Crossing, and point picks.
  58.   Unlike the other object selection methods, :N may return multiple entities with
  59.   the same entity name in the selection set. For example, if the user selects a
  60.   subentity of a complex entity such as a BlockReference, PolygonMesh, or old
  61.   style polyline, ssget looks at the subentity that is selected when determining
  62.   if it has already been selected. However,  ssget actually adds the main entity
  63.   (BlockReference, PolygonMesh, etc.) to the selection set. The result could be
  64.   multiple entries with the same entity name in the selection set (each will have
  65.   different subentity information for ssnamex to report).
  66. P  Previous
  67.   Selects the most recent selection set. The Previous selection set is cleared by
  68.   operations that delete objects from the drawing. AutoCAD keeps track of whether
  69.   each selection set was specified in model space or paper space. The Previous
  70.   selection set is ignored if you switch spaces.
  71. Rejects Viewport
  72. :R Allows entities in a long transaction to be selected.
  73. :S Force single object selection only
  74. :U Enables subentity selection - 2006+
  75. Cannot be combined with the  duplicate (":D") or nested (":N")  selection modes.
  76. In this  mode, top-level  entities are  selected by  default, but  the user  can
  77. attempt  to  select  subentities  by pressing  the  CTRL  key  while making  the
  78. selection. This option  is supported only  with interactive selections,  such as
  79. window, crossing, and polygon. It is  not supported for all, filtered, or  group
  80. selections.
  81. :V Forces subentity selection - 2006+
  82. Treats all interactive,  graphic selections performed  by the user  as subentity
  83. selections. The returned  selection set contains  subentities only. This  option
  84. cannot be combined with the  duplicate (":D") or nested (":N")  selection modes.
  85. This option is  supported only with  interactive selections, such  as window and
  86. crossing. It is not supported for all, filtered, or group selections.
  87. W  Window
  88.   Selects all objects completely inside a rectangle defined by two points.
  89.   Specifying the corners from left to right creates a window selection.
  90.   (Specifying the corners from right to left creates a crossing selection.)
  91. WP Window Polygon
  92.   Selects objects completely inside a polygon defined by points. The polygon can
  93.   be any shape but cannot cross or touch itself. AutoCAD draws the last segment of
  94.   the polygon so that it is closed at all times. WPolygon is not affected by the
  95.   PICKADD system variable.
  96. X  Extended search (search whole database)
  97.   Entire database. If you specify the X selection method and do not provide a
  98.   filter-list, ssget selects all entities in the database, including entities on
  99.   layers that are off, frozen, and out of the visible screen.
  101.   Also at the command prompt "Select objects:" you can enter
  102.   Add, Remove, Undo,
  103. :U Enables subentity selection. Cannot be combined with the duplicate (":D") or
  104.   nested (":N") selection modes. In this mode, top-level entities are selected by
  105.   default, but the user can attempt to select subentities by pressing the CTRL key
  106.   while making the selection. This option is supported only with interactive
  107.   selections, such as window, crossing, and polygon. It is not supported for all,
  108.   filtered, or group selections.
  109. :V Forces subentity selection. Treats all interactive, graphic selections
  110.   performed by the user as subentity selections. The returned selection set
  111.   contains subentities only. This option cannot be combined with the duplicate
  112.   (":D") or nested (":N") selection modes. This option is supported only with
  113.   interactive selections, such as window and crossing. It is not supported for
  114.   all, filtered, or group selections.
  115. Systen Var
  116. PICKADD controls whether subsequent selections replace the current selection set or add to it.
  117. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  118. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  119. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  120. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  121. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  122.    *  (ssget "_:S") - selecting a single object
  123.    * (ssget "_:E") - selecting all objects crossing the selection box (can be also combined to e.g. (ssget "_:E:S")
  124.    * (ssget "_:N") - selecting objects including nested/child objects - e.g. with block references
  125.    * (ssget "_:D") - duplicate objects counted separately (2x selected object = 2 selections)
  126.    * (ssget "_:L") - stops users from selecting objects on locked layers
  127.    * (ssget "_:P") - rejects selection of viewports
  128.    * (ssget "+.") - allows window selection even in the single selection mode - (ssget "+.:E:S") (may not work in localized versions)
  129. :N Call ssnamex for additional information on container blocks and transformation matrices for any entities selected during the ssget operation. This additional information is available only for entities selected through graphical selection methods such as Window, Crossing, and point picks. Unlike the other object selection methods, :N may return multiple entities with the same entity name in the selection set. For example, if the user selects a subentity of a complex entity such as a BlockReference, PolygonMesh, or old style polyline, ssget looks at the subentity that is selected when determining if it has already been selected. However, ssget actually adds the main entity (BlockReference, PolygonMesh, and so on) to the selection set. The result could be multiple entries with the same entity name in the selection set (each will have different subentity information for ssnamex to report).
  130. :R Allows entities in a long transaction to be selected.
  131. :U Enables subentity selection. Cannot be combined with the duplicate (":D") or nested (":N") selection modes. In this mode, top-level entities are selected by default, but the user can attempt to select subentities by pressing the CTRL key while making the selection. This option is supported only with interactive selections, such as window, crossing, and polygon. It is not supported for all, filtered, or group selections.
  132. :V Forces subentity selection. Treats all interactive, graphic selections performed by the user as subentity selections. The returned selection set contains subentities only. This option cannot be combined with the duplicate (":D") or nested (":N") selection modes. This option is supported only with interactive selections, such as window and crossing. It is not supported for all, filtered, or group selections.

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