;;;DCLATT.LSP;This program is for demonstration and tutorial purposes only.;This program, using Visual Lisp will extract attributes from;a block and display them in a dialog box.;The dialog box will be created "on the fly" with the relevant;number of edit boxes ;to suit the number of attributes within;the block.;The new attribute data will then be retrieved from the dialog;and the block updated.;Written by Kenny Ramage - May 2002;afralisp@mweb.com.na;http://www.afralisp.com;Usage :;Load by typing (load "DCLATT") at the command prompt.;Type DCLATT at the command prompt to run.;Select any block containing attributes.;Replace any of the values in the text boxes to updated;the attributes.;Dependencies : None that I know of.;Not much in the way of error checking I'm afraid.;Limitations : Will only edit a certain number of attributes.;System dependent.;I don't recommend more than 10.;I've had up to 14 on my display.(prompt "\nType DCLATT to run.....")(defun c:dclatt ( / theblock thelist n taglisttxtlist lg fname fn nu dcl_id l relist);load the visual lisp extensions(vl-load-com);get the entity and entity name(setq theblock (car (entsel)));convert to vl object(setq theblock (vlax-ename->vla-object theblock));check if it's a block(if (= (vlax-get-property theblock 'ObjectName)"AcDbBlockReference");if it is, do the following(progn;check if it has attributes(if (= (vlax-get-property theblock'HasAttributes) :vlax-true);if it has attributes, do the following(progn;get the attributes(getatt theblock);create the dialog(create_dialog);run the dialog(run_the_dialog);update the attributes(upatt));progn;No attributes, inform the user(alert "This Block has No Attributes!!- Please try again."));if);progn;it's not a block, inform the user(alert "This is not a Block!! - Please try again."));if(princ));defun(defun getatt (enam);retrieve the attributes(setq thelist (vlax-safearray->list(variant-value(vla-getattributes enam))));process each attribute(foreach n thelist;get the tag attribute data(setq taglist (cons (vla-get-tagString n) taglist);get the text attribute datatxtlist (cons (vla-get-textString n) txtlist);how many attributes?lg (length taglist));setq);foreach;reverse the lists(setq taglist (reverse taglist)txtlist (reverse txtlist)));defun(defun create_dialog ();create a temp DCL file(setq fname (vl-filename-mktemp "dcl.dcl"));open it to write(setq fn (open fname "w"));write the dialog header coding(write-line "temp : dialog { label = "Edit Attributes";" fn);reset the incremental control number(setq nu 0);start the loop to create the edit boxes(repeat lg;create the edit boxes(write-line ": edit_box {" fn)(setq l (strcat """ "eb" (itoa nu) """ ";"))(write-line (strcat "key = " l) fn)(setq l (nth nu taglist))(write-line (strcat "label = " """ l """ ";") fn)(setq l (nth nu txtlist))(write-line (strcat "value = " """ l """ ";") fn)(write-line "alignment = centered; edit_width = 20; }" fn);increment the counter(setq nu (1+ nu)));repeat;ok and cancel button(write-line "ok_only; }" fn);close the temp DCL file(close fn));defun