发表于 2022-7-6 12:28:21
It wouldn't be difficult... I know a few small engineering and architecture companies where I have been involved in several small projects, and I work in a company with a very robust standard package including blocks, documents, formats...I have thought about making some routines or teach them how to work faster with some standards... and this company that made the project I am trying to fit to our standards might use maybe a 1/4 of our standards and their drawings have many different formats, but it's located too far away, in another state of my country... .
This lisp will help me for just one of the tasks... and trying to help a company as a consultant would be nice... but it requires me to go personally and make an appointment with the company manager for each case... maybe after learning lisp I wil become a company standard consultant (maybe less than a decade).
I also like to teach, in my city there are lots of schools (just before highschool) where I can teach autocad as a technical class, but the pay is just very low, it would be only for...
and well.... the fact is that right now I just can teach my mates in the company on how to use new lisps for our standards...
And yes, I made about 200 tortillas yesterday... enough for me and my girl for 3-4 weeks... I can´t send any that far ..
And still all of those ideas are just unknown words for me at this point... But If could hold this thread for a few years they will help me to build this new routine, so you guys just leave it here... who knows... I might find some time in a couple weeks and challenge myself to build my very first complex lisp.. |