- (defun c:psfix ( / #Doc ct lay i ss ent) ;; Initiate Defun and localise Vars
- (vl-load-com) ;; Load Visual LISP Console
- (setq ct (getvar "ctab")) ;; Store Current Layout
- (setq #Doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
- (foreach lay (layoutlist) ;; For Every Layout in the Drawing
- (mapcar 'setvar '("CTAB" "PSLTSCALE") (list lay 1))
- ;; Apply the function 'setvar' to each argument in each list.
- ;; Setvar needs two arguments, sys var and value, so mapcar needs
- ;; two lists.
- ;; This is equivalent to putting (setvar "CTAB" lay) (setvar "PSLTSCALE" 1)
- [color=Red] ;(vl-cmdf "_.mspace") ;; Equivalent to (command "_.mspace")
- (and (zerop (getvar 'tilemode)) (vla-put-mspace #Doc :vlax-true))[/color]
- (setvar "ANNOALLVISIBLE" 1) ;; Set Sys Var ANNOALLVISIBLE to 1
- [color=Red] ;(vl-cmdf "_.pspace") ;; Equivalent to (command "_.pspace")
- (and (zerop (getvar 'tilemode)) (vla-put-mspace #Doc :vlax-false))[/color]
- ) ; end foreach
- (if (setq i -1 ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "VIEWPORT"))))
- ;; If there are Viewports in the Database
- (while (setq ent (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
- ;; While we can get an entity name in the Selection Set
- (vl-catch-all-apply ;; Apply the following function and catch any errors
- ;; This is like using 'apply' except the program will not crash if
- ;; there is an error executing the function.
- 'vla-put-displaylocked ;; Property of the Viewport to determine if it is locked.
- ;; List of arguments that belong to 'vla-put-displaylocked'
- (list
- (vlax-ename->vla-object ent) ;; convert the ename to a VLA-object
- :vlax-true) ;; Boolean True - hence the Viewport will be locked
- ) ; end vl-catch-all-apply
- ) ; end While
- ) ; end IF
- (mapcar 'setvar '("MSLTSCALE" "LTSCALE" "CTAB") (list 1 1 ct))
- ;; Same logic as above - read about 'mapcar' to learn more.
- (princ) ;; Exit Quietly - i.e. suppress last return
- ) ;; End Defun