- ;routine to fill values from a list to a pop-up list tile
- (defun FillPopUpList( theTile theList / )
- (start_list theTile) ;start pop-up tile fill operation
- (mapcar 'add_list theList) ;load items from list to pop-up tile
- (end_list)
- )
- ;routine to fill a pop-up list tile based on selection on another
- (defun ActionOnMy1stList( / theUserSelection )
- (setq theUserSelection (get_tile "My1stList")) ;read which entry user selected
- ;fill second pop-up list with a content related to current selection in first one
- (cond
- ((= theUserSelection "1") (FillPopUpList "My2ndList" '("a" "b" "c")))
- ((= theUserSelection "2") (FillPopUpList "My2ndList" '("A" "B" "C")))
- ((= theUserSelection "3") (FillPopUpList "My2ndList" '("X" "Y" "Z")))
- )
- )
- (FillPopUpList "My1stList" '("1" "2" "3")) ;prepare first pop-up list
- (action_tile "My1stList" "(ActionOnMy1stList)") ;define associated action on pop-up tile
请记住,互动程序的每个动作都应作为字符串提供。 |